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♀ Catrice
What does Catrice mean?
Catrice as a girls' name is pronounced ka-TREECE. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Catrice is "pure". Variant of Catherine. Also used as a blend of Catrina and Patrice.
VARIANT Catreece
OTHER FORMS VIA CATHERINE, CATRINA, PATRICE Caitie, Caitria, Caitrin, Caitrine, Caitrinn, Cari▼, Carin, Carri, Carrin, Cassie▼, Cataline, Catarina, Catarine, Cate, Cateline, Caterina, Caterine, Catharine▼, Cathe, Cathee, Cathi, Cathie▼, Cathline, Cathrine▼, Cathrinn, Cathryne, Cathye, Cati, Catia, Catie, Catlina, Catreina, Catrelle, Catricia, Catrin, Catrina▼, Catrine, Catrinia, Catriona, Catroina, Catryna, Kaitrine, Kathie▼, Kathrine▼, Katica, Katie▼, Katrien, Katrina▼, Katrine, Patreece, Patreice, Patrisse, Patryce
Catrice Ayra (C.A.), ..
How popular is Catrice?
Catrice is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#4258 out of 4276, Top 100%) but an unusual surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Catherine (#204 LAST YEAR), Katie (#449), Cassie (#1262), Katrina (#1516), Cari, Catrina, Kathrine, Kathie, Catriona, Cathie, Cathrine, Carin, Cathi, Catharine, Cate, Catarina, Carri and Patrice are the prominent variation forms of Catrice (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). These forms of Catrice were popular as birth names during the years 1880-1889 (USAGE OF 1.08%) and are now much less widespread (USAGE 0.15%, ▼86.1%), with forms like Kathie becoming somewhat outmoded. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Catrice is alike in pronunciation to Katrice. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Artrice, Beatrice▼, Candice▼, Caprice, Caprise, Carie▼, Carine, Carrie▼, Carrine, Catline, Cedrica, Cerice, Chantrice, Charice, Cherice, Clairice, Clarice▼, Clayrice, Darice, Fabrice, Kaprice, Latrice▼, Laurice, Leatrice▼, Letrice, Marice, Narice and Patrica▼. These names tend to be less commonly used than Catrice.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]