Home > Catriona


What does Catriona mean?

Catriona Pronunciation of Catriona as a girls' name is pronounced ka-TREE-na, ka-tree-OH-nah. It is of Gaelic and Greek origin. Anglicized form of the Gaelic names Catrìona (Scottish) and Caitríona (Irish), which are forms of Katherine. Catrina is the simplified version. Literary: Robert Louis Stevenson's novel "Catriona" (1893), sequel to "Kidnapped". Also form of Caitlin. Also form of Catherine.


ASSOCIATED WITH gaelic, greek, scottish


VARIANTS Caitriona, Catina, Catreena, Catrenia, Caitriona, Catrin, Catrina, Catrine, Catrinia, Catroina, Katrina, Katrine, Katriona

RELATED FORMS VIA CATRINA, KATHERINE Caitrin, Caitrine, Caitrionagh, Carin, Caron, Carrin, Carron, Catalina, Catarina, Catarine, Caterina, Catharina, Catherina, Cathrine, Cathrinn, Catlaina, Catreen, Catreina, Catrionagh, Catryna, Kaitrina, Kaitrinna, Kaitriona, Kaitrona, Katarina, Katerina, Kathrina, Kathrinna, Katina, Katreena, Katreina, Katrena, Katria, Katriana, Katriane, Katrien, Katrionagh, Katryna, Ketrina



Catriona Alma (C.A.), ..

How popular is Catriona?

Catriona is an unusual first name for women. Catriona is also an unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Catriona reached its highest rank of #75 in Scotland in 2001, but is not found in the list at the moment. (TOP 100 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Catriona name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Catriona outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Katherine (#112 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Catherine (#204), Catalina (#235), Katerina (#1173), Caitlin (#1360), Katrina (#1516), Katarina (#1594), Cathrine, Catina, Carin, Catarina, Caron, Kathrina, Katina, Katrena and Catrina are the popular alternative forms of Catriona. Usage of these forms of Catriona was widespread among parents 3 decades ago (MEDIAN #1306) and has become much less since (#1540, 74.1%). Katherine is more familiar than the rest, though Catalina has grown trendy as well, while forms such as Cathrine are now less common.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Caitlin, Carin, Caron, Catalina, Catarina in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Catherine, Cathrine, Catina, Catrina, Katarina in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Katerina, Katherine, Kathrina, Katina, Katrena, Katrina in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Catriona, Caitlin, Catherine, Katherine, Katrina outside U.S.

Similar Names

Catriona is pronounced similarly to Caitrionagh, Catreina, Catrionagh, Catryna, Kaitrina, Kaitrinna, Kaitriona, Kaitrona, Katreena, Katreina, Katrena, Katriana, Katrionagh, Katryna and Ketrina. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aarona, Briona, Caitrin, Camrin, Camron, Caparina, Capricia, Caprina, Carena, Carenna, Carina, Carine, Carissa, Carlana, Carlyna, Carrine, Carrissa, Carrola, Carron, Catalina, Caterine, Catharin, Catharina, Catharine, Catharyna (see Catherine), Catherina, Catherine, Catherinn (see Catherine), Cathrinn (see Catherine), Cathryne, Catrice, Catricia, Cedrina, Cliona, Corina, Corinna, Corona, Czarina, Darion, Euriona (see Euron), Hadriana, Kariana, Karrina, Katriane, Katrien, Katrin, Laurina, Mariana, Marion, Maroona, Matrina, Matriona, Patrica, Patrisha, Petrina, Sabrina, Tatiana, Varona, Yarina and Yarona. These names tend to be more commonly used than Catriona.
