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♀ Cazzy
What does Cazzy mean?
Cazzy as a girls' name has its root in Greek, and the meaning of Cazzy is "pure". Cazzy is a variant form of Catherine (Greek): from katharos.
VARIANTS Kasya, Kassy, Kassia, Kassey, Cassy, Cassie▼, Cassi, Cassey
RELATED FORMS VIA CATHERINE Cadi, Cait, Caitey, Caity, Caren▼, Cari▼, Carin, Caron, Carri, Caryn▼, Cass, Cat, Cate, Catey, Cath, Catha, Cathe, Cathi, Cathy▼, Cathye, Cati, Catia, Catie, Cato, Caty, Cay, Caye, Kaity, Katey, Kathy▼, Katy▼, Kay▼
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Canzy, ..
(male) Cazen, ..
Cazzy Julianne (C.J.), ..
How popular is Cazzy?
Cazzy is an unusual first name for women. Cazzy is an equivalently uncommon last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Cazzy (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 are Catherine (#204 FROM RECENT DATA), Cassie (#1262), Katy (#1790), Caren, Cate, Kathy, Katey, Cathy, Cathi, Cassy, Cari, Cassi, Cassey, Caryn, Carri, Caron, Carin and Kay. Other variants, like Cathe, are seldom used. Adoption of these relations of Cazzy was common among parents during 1950-1959 (ADOPTION OF 2%) and has become significantly lower since (ADOPTION 0.11%, ▼95%), with versions such as Cathy becoming somewhat dated. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Cazzy is alike in pronunciation to Cacey, Caci, Cacie, Cacy, Caisey, Caisi, Cascy, Casee, Casey▼, Casi, Casie▼, Cassye, Casy, Caycey, Cayci, Caysey, Caysi, Kacey, Kacy▼, Kasey▼, Kasy, Kaysy, Kazia and Kizzy▼. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bizzy, Caddy, Cadey, Cady, Caley, Cally, Cammy, Candy▼, Carey▼, Carly▼, Carmy, Carry, Cary▼, Cazzi, Daizy, Izzy, Jazzy and Lizzy. These names tend to be more frequently used than Cazzy.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]