Home > Cecilia


What does Cecilia mean?

Cecilia Pronunciation of Cecilia as a girls' name is pronounced sess-SEEL-yah. It is of Latin and Old Welsh origin, and the meaning of Cecilia is "blind; sixth". The name came from the Welsh name Seissylt meaning "sixth". It was later used as an English form of Latin name Caecilia, feminine of Caecilius (see Cecil). The feminine form is more popular than the male form because of the blind Saint Cecilia (second or third century) virgin martyr known as the patron saint of music. The name became common among Christians during the Middle Ages when it was brought by the Normans to England, where it was commonly spelled Cecily. The Latinate form Cecilia came into use in the 18th century. Cecil Rhodes was an industrialist and founder of Rhodesia. Soprano Cecilia Bartoli.


ASSOCIATED WITH virgin, music (opera), england, 18th century


VARIANTS C'Ceal, Cacelia, Ceceilia, Ceceley, Ceceli, Cecelia, Cecely, Cecelyn, Cecette, Ceciel, Cecil, Cecila, Cecile, Cecilea, Cecilee, Ceciley, Ceciliane, Cecilie, Cecilija, Cecilla, Cecille, Cecillia, Cecily, Ceclia, Cecilyann, Cecyl, Cecyle, Cecylia, Cee, Ceil, Ceila, Ceilagh, Ceileh, Ceileigh, Ceilena, Ceilia, Cela, Cele, Celia, Celie, Celli, Cellie, Cescelie, Cescily, Cesia, Cesilie, Cesya, Cicelie, Cicely, Cici, Cicilia, Cicilie, Cicily, Cile, Cili, Cilka, Cilia, Cilla, Cilly, Cissie, Kekilia, Kikelia, Kikylia, Sacilia, Sasilia, Sasilie, Secelia, Seelia, Seelie, Seely, Selia, Sesilia, Sessaley, Sesseelya, Sessile, Sessilly, Sessily, Sheila, Sile, Sileas, Silke, Sisely, Siselya, Siseel, Sisile, Sisiliya, Sissela, Sissie, Sissy

SEE ALSO Silja, Zelia





Cecilia Regina (C.R.), ..

How popular is Cecilia?

Cecilia is a very popular first name for women (#318 out of 4276, Top 7%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#72022 out of 150436, Top 48%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Cecilia reached its highest position of #155 in the U.S. in 2018. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cecilia name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Cecilia outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Cecelia (#595 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Cecil, Cecile, Cecille, Cecily (#1531), Ceil, Cele, Celia (#936), Celie, Cicely, Cilla, Sheila and Zelia are the prominent variation forms of Cecilia (#155). These forms of Cecilia were at the peak of their popularity in the 1950s (ADOPTION OF 0.5%) and have become significantly less widespread since (ADOPTION 0.2%, 67.2%), with versions like Cecil becoming less fashionable. Cecilia has generally been popular among parents.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cecilia, Cecelia, Cecil, Cecile, Cecille in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cecily, Ceil, Cele, Celia, Celie in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cicely, Cilla, Sheila, Zelia in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Cecilia outside U.S.

Similar Names

Cecilia is alike in pronunciation to Sicilia and Sicillia. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aegidia, Aemelia, Aemilia, Amilia, Arcelia, Attilia, Availia, Basilia, Bedelia, Belia, Belicia, Benicia, Caila, Cailin, Camelia, Caralia, Carilis, Carisia, Carlia, Casilda, Caylia, Cearia, Ceili, Ceilidh, Ceira, Celicia, Celinda, Celinka, Celinna, Celka, Cellina, Celosia, Cenobia, Cerelia, Ceria, Cericia, Cerria, Cherilin, Clelia, Corilla, Crecia, Cybilla, Decia, Deifilia, Delia, Ercilia, Fecelia, Filia, Galilia, Gelilia, Gilia, Helia, Hellia, Hersilia, Jecholia, Jecolia, Kecia, Lellia, Letitia, Lucilia, Melicia, Melitia, Nelia, Nerolia (see Nerola), Ofilia, Pelia, Philia, Sarilia, Udilia, Vasilia, Venitia, Venizia and Vigilia. These names tend to be less frequently used than Cecilia.
