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♀ Celesta
What does Celesta mean?
Celesta as a girls' name is of Latin derivation, and the name Celesta means "heavenly". Celesta is an alternate form of Celeste (Latin).
RELATIONS VIA CELESTE Cela, Celes, Celesia, Celesley, Celesse, Celest, Celestena, Celestene, Celestia, Celestial, Celestiel, Celestijna, Celestin, Celestina, Celestine▼, Celestinea, Celestyna, Celestyne, Celia▼, Celina, Celinda, Celinka, Celisse, Celka, Celleste, Celyna, Saleste, Salestia, Seleste, Selestia, Selestina, Selestyna, Silestia
Celesta Lacey (C.L.), ..
How popular is Celesta?
Celesta is a somewhat popular first name for women (#3520 out of 4276, Top 82%) but a rare last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Celesta reached its highest position of #1080 in the U.S. in the 1900s, but is not in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Celeste (#441 VIA LATEST LIST), Celia (#936), Celina (#1220), Celestia, Celestina and Celestine are the popular alternative forms of Celesta. Other variants, like Celestena, are seldom used. These forms of Celesta reached the height of their popularity a century ago (MEDIAN #943) and have become significantly less common since (#1513, 51% LESS USAGE).
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Alesta, Aletta, Alista, Alletta, Belita, Bellita, Caleena, Calesta, Calista▼, Calisto, Callesta (see Calista), Callista, Callysta, Calysta, Camesha, Caressa, Caretta, Carletta, Carlista, Celeena, Celena▼, Celenia, Cellina, Celosia, Celsea, Cerea, Cerelia, Cerena, Cerese, Cesia, Cesya, Cetta, Chelese, Chelesia, Chelsa, Cheresa, Chesna, Chessa, Claresta, Clea, Clelia, Cleona, Cleta, Colena, Coleta (see Colette), Coletta, Colette▲, Colleta, Conetta, Cressa, Crista, Delta, Ernesta, Jenetta, Joleta, Kalesta, Kalista▼, Kallesta, Kalysta, Leeta, Leretta (see Loretta), Loleta, Melesa, Melessa, Melitta, Melyta, Modesta, Nesta, Oletta, Questa, Reberta, Reneeta, Renetta, Tempesta and Teresita. These names tend to be less commonly used than Celesta.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]