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♀ Celestijna
What does Celestijna mean?
Celestijna as a girls' name is a Latin name, and the meaning of the name Celestijna is "heavenly". Celestijna is an alternate form of Celeste (Latin): anglicized variant of Céleste (French).
VARIANT Silestijna
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA CELESTE Celesia, Celesta, Celestena, Celestene, Celestia, Celestial, Celestiel, Celestin, Celestina, Celestine▼, Celestinea, Celestyna, Celestyne, Selestia, Selestina, Selestine, Selestyna, Silestina
Celestijna Cori (C.C.), ..
How popular is Celestijna?
Celestijna is an uncommonly occurring first name for women. Celestijna is an equally unusual last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Celesta, Celeste (#441 IN 2018), Celestia, Celestina and Celestine are the popular alternative forms of Celestijna (NOT IN TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000. These forms of Celestijna reached the top of their popularity a decade ago (MEDIAN #1640) and have become much less popular since (#1688, 52% LESS USAGE). (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Calesta, Calista▼, Callesta (see Calista), Calysta, Celeena, Celena▼, Celenia, Celest, Celina, Celinna, Celleste, Cellina, Celosia, Chastina, Chelesia, Christiana, Christina▼, Christinna, Chrystina, Clementina, Cristiana, Cristina▼, Cristiona, Crystina, Destina, Ernestina, Jesstina, Jestina, Klementijna (see Clementine), Kristijna, Melusina, Modestina (see Modesty), Salestia, Sebastiana, Selestyne (see Celeste), Silestena (see Celeste), Silestia, Silestyna (see Celeste), Teresina, Valentijn and Valentina▲. These names tend to be more commonly used than Celestijna.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]