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♀ Celinde
What does Celinde mean?
Celinde as a girls' name. Celinde means "heaven; the moon". Celinde is an alternate spelling of Celina (Latin, Greek): variation of Celia.
OTHER FORMS VIA CELINA Celena▼, Celene, Celenia, Celenne, Celicia, Celinda, Celine▲, Celinna, Salinda, Selinda, Seline
Celinde Ellie (C.E.), ..
How popular is Celinde?
Celinde is an unusual first name for females. Celinde is also an unusual surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Celena, Celene, Celina (#1220 VIA LATEST LIST) and Celine (#503) are the prominent related forms of Celinde (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000. Usage of these relations of Celinde was at its peak in the year 1994 (ADOPTION OF 0.1%) and is almost as widespread today. Celina is the longstanding favorite, though Celine is now the top form, while Celena is no longer trendy. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Adelinde, Belinda▼, Caelin, Calandre (see Calandra), Calendre, Calida, Calin, Calina, Calinda, Calvine, Calynda, Carine, Carinne, Carlinda, Carline, Cateline, Cauline, Cecile▼, Cecilee, Cecilie, Cecille, Ceilidh, Ceinwen, Celandine, Cele, Celesse, Celia▼, Celida, Celie, Celinka, Celisse, Cellie, Cellina, Celyna, Cerice, Cerise, Cerisse, Cesilie, Cezanne, Chelie, Chelise, Ciline, Cinda, Cindel, Cindi▼, Cindie, Cindl, Cindy▼, Claude, Colene, Colina, Colinda, Coline, Corinda, Corine▼, Corinne▼, Delinda, Deline, Ethelinde, Heide, Hinde, Iolande, Jolande, Malinde, Melinda▼, Melinde (see Melinda), Meline, Melisande, Renilde, Rolande, Roselinde, Velinda, Yolande, Zelde and Zeline. These names tend to be more commonly used than Celinde.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]