Home > Chantriel


What does Chantriel mean?

Chantriel Pronunciation of Chantriel as a name for girls is of Old French origin, and Chantriel means "stone". Chantriel is an alternate spelling of Chantal (Old French): from "cantal".


ASSOCIATED WITH stone (rock)


VARIANTS Chantrill, Chantrelle, Chantrell, Chantrel

RELATED FORMS VIA CHANTAL Chantaal, Chantae, Chantael, Chantai, Chantale, Chantall, Chantaye, Chante, Chantea, Chantee, Chantel, Chantela, Chantele, Chantell, Chanter, Chantey, Chantez, Chantiel, Chantielle, Chantil, Chantila, Chantill, Chantille, Chantle, Chantra, Chantress, Chantri, Chantrice, Chauntel, Chontel, Shantel



Chantriel Colette (C.C.), ..

How popular is Chantriel?

Chantriel is an uncommon given name for females. Chantriel is an equally rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Chantal, Chante, Chantel, Chantell and Shantel are the popular alternative forms of Chantriel (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Chantela, are uncommon. These forms of Chantriel reached the apex of their popularity in 1990 (AVERAGE #774), but now, versions such as Shantel have become somewhat outmoded. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Chantal, Chante, Chantel, Chantell, Shantel in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Chantriel and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Caitrine, Candie, Cariel, Carrie, Cathie, Catreen, Catrin, Catrine, Chanae, Chandal, Chandel, Chandler, Chandra, Chandria, Chandrika, Chanee, Chanel, Chanele, Chanell, Chanelle, Chaney, Chanina, Chanise, Chaniya, Channell, Chantalle, Chantara, Chantarai, Chantasia, Chantay, Chanteau, Chanteese, Chantella, Chantelle, Chantoya, Chantrea, Charie, Chariety, Charil, Charill (see Charlotte), Charisa, Charish, Charita, Charitee (see Charity), Charitey (see Charity), Chariza, Charlea, Charlee, Charlet, Charley, Charlsie, Charyl, Chassie, Chastin, Chastina, Chastine, Chastitey (see Chastity), Chastitie, Chastity, Chattie, Chaunte, Cherie, Cherrill (see Cheryl), Cheyrie, Chyril, Chyrill (see Cheryl), Cinthie, Claribel, Cynthie, Katriel, Lauriel, Mariel, Shandel, Shannel and Shontel. These names tend to be more frequently used than Chantriel.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
