Home > Charie


What does Charie mean?

Charie Pronunciation of Charie as a girls' name is a Greek name, and the meaning of the name Charie is "grace". Charie is an alternate form of Charis (Greek): from "kharis".


ASSOCIATED WITH greek, grace



RELATED FORMS VIA CHARIS Carisa, Carisse, Chareese, Charesa, Charese, Charice, Charisa, Charise, Charish, Charisha, Charissa, Charisse, Charista, Charysse, Cherise, Karis



Charie Melissa (C.M.), ..

How popular is Charie?

Charie is an unusual given name for women. Charie is an equivalently uncommon last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Carisa, Charis, Charise, Charissa, Charisse, Cherise and Karis (#1331 A YEAR AGO) are the popular alternative forms of Charie (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000. Usage of these relations of Charie was more pronounced among parents 5 decades ago (AVERAGE #1347) and is now significantly less (#1904, 74%). (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Carisa, Charis, Charise, Charissa, Charisse in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cherise, Karis in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Charie and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Charie is alike in pronunciation to Chara, Charee, Cheray, Cherey, Cheri, Cherie, Cherree, Cherri, Cherry, Chery, Cheyrie, Shara, Sharae, Sharaia, Sharay, Shari, Sharrie, Shary, Sherae, Sheree, Sheri, Sherrie, Sherye, Shiree and Shiri. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Cacie, Cadie, Carah, Caree, Cari, Carie, Carine, Caris, Carmie, Carrey, Carri, Carrie, Catie, Ceria, Chalice, Chalise, Chanae, Chani, Chania, Chanise, Charin, Charita, Chariti (see Charity), Charity, Chariza, Charlea, Charlet, Charley, Charlien, Charma, Charty, Chelie, Chere, Cherice, Cherit, Chiara, Chiarra, Chyril, Ciara, Ciarra, Cieria, Clarice, Clarine, Claris, Corie, Corrie, Cree, Sarie, Sharise and Sharlie. These names tend to be more frequently used than Charie.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
