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♀ Charish
What does Charish mean?
Charish as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of the name Charish is "grace; to treasure and care for; dear". Charish is an alternate spelling of Charis (Greek): from "kharis". Charish is also a form of Cherish (English, Old French).
OTHER FORMS VIA CHARIS, CHERISH Carisa, Carisia, Carisse, Chareese, Charesa, Charese, Chari, Charice, Charie, Charisa, Charise, Charisha, Charissa, Charisse, Charista, Charysse, Cheerish, Cherise, Cherishe, Cherrish, Cherysh, Karis, Karisa, Sherisa
Charish Mira (C.M.), ..
How popular is Charish?
Charish is a rare given name for women. Charish is an equally rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Charish (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Carisa, Charis, Charise, Charissa, Charisse, Cherise, Cherish (#1061 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Karis (#1331) and Karisa. Adoption of these relations of Charish was well-received 4 decades ago (AVERAGE #1503) and is now much less (#1821, 50.3% LESS USAGE). (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Caragh, Caresa, Caress, Caris, Carissa▼, Carrisa, Carys▼, Cerisa, Cerise, Chalise, Chanise, Charidy, Charil, Charill (see Charlotte), Charin, Charisma▼, Charita, Chariti (see Charity), Charity▼, Chariza, Charlisa, Charmisa, Cheresa, Cherese, Cherice, Cheriese, Cherisa, Cherisse, Cherith, Cherrise, Cheryse, Chris▼, Chrisie, Chrissa, Chrissy▼, Chrisy, Claris, Clarisa▼, Clarise, Corisa, Cris, Parish, Sharisa and Sharise. These names tend to be more commonly used than Charish.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]