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♀ Charla
What does Charla mean?
Charla ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced SHAR-lah. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Charla is "free man". Feminine of Charles. Nickname for Charlene and Charlotte. Also form of Carol. Also form of Caroline.
VARIANTS Charlee▲, Charlene▼, Charli▲, Charlie▲, Charly, Charlyn, Charlynn, Sharlene▼
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA CHARLENE, CHARLOTTE Carla▼, Carlie, Carlota, Carly▼, Char, Chara, Charill, Charlaine, Charlanna, Charlayne, Charle, Charleen▼, Charleena, Charleesa, Charlena, Charlet, Charlett, Charletta, Charlien, Charlina, Charline▼, Charlisa, Charlita, Charlot, Charlott, Charlotta, Charlsie, Charlyne, Charmain, Charmian, Charo, Charty, Charyl, Cherlyn, Cheryl▼, Cheryll, Karla▼, Karli▼, Karly▼, Sharel, Sharil, Sharla▼, Sharlet, Sharlot, Sharyl
Charla Brooklynn (C.B.), ..
How popular is Charla?
Charla is a very popular first name for women (#1211 out of 4276, Top 28%) but a rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Charla entered the list in 1930-1939 and reached its top rank of #749 in the U.S. in the 1960s, but is not listed at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Charla listed in the Top 2000 are Charlotte (#6 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Caroline (#55), Charlie (#152), Charlee (#288), Carly (#483), Charli (#507), Karla (#626), Carla (#1022), Carlie (#1230), Karly (#1728), Carol (#1788), Charlene (#1813), Karli (#1831), Cherlyn, Sharla, Sharlene, Cheryll, Cheryl, Charlotta, Charlyne, Charlyn, Charly, Charlsie, Charline, Charles, Charleen, Carlota and Sharyl. Other forms, like Sharel, are uncommon. These forms of Charla were popular as baby names 8 decades ago (AVERAGE #1155) and are now much less popular (#1501, ▼59%), with forms such as Carla falling out of fashion. Caroline is a constant favorite, though Charlotte is now more frequently used.
Similar Names
Charla▼ is alike in pronunciation to Charlea, Charley▲, Sharlee, Sharlie, Sharly, Sherli, Shirlea and Shirly. Other recommended sound-alike names are Caela, Caila, Caralea, Caralia, Carlah, Carlan, Carle, Carleah, Carley▼, Carli▼, Carlia, Carlla, Carlye, Carma, Carola, Caroll, Caroly, Caryl▼, Caryle, Caryll, Cearaa, Cearia, Cearra, Chaba, Chalia, Chana▲, Chanda▼, Chanha, Chania, Channa, Chanta, Charee, Charela (see Harela), Charelle, Charesa, Chari, Charie, Charil, Charin, Charis, Charisa, Chariza, Charma, Charrela (see Harela), Chava, Chavela, Chaya▲, Chayka, Chela, Chella, Cherell, Cheryle▼, Chiara, Chiarra, Chyril, Chyrill (see Cheryl), Ciara▼, Ciarra▼, Corly, Creola, Earla, Marla▼, Pearla, Shaela, Sharlan, Shayla▼ and Starla. These names tend to be less commonly used than Charla.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]