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♀ Charle
What does Charle mean?
Charle as a name for girls is of Old German origin, and the name Charle means "free man". Charle is a version of Charlotte (Old German).
RELATED FORMS VIA CHARLOTTE Carla▼, Carleen, Carlie, Carline, Carly▼, Carlyne, Char, Chara, Charill, Charla▼, Charlaine, Charleen▼, Charlene▼, Charlet, Charlett, Charletta, Charlette, Charlie▲, Charline▼, Charlita, Charlot, Charlott, Charlsie, Charly, Charlyne, Charo, Charolett, Charty, Charyl, Chattie, Cherlyn, Cheryl▼, Cheryll, Karla▼, Karli▼, Karlie, Karly▼, Sharel, Sharil, Sharla▼, Sharleen, Sharlene▼, Sharlet, Sharlett, Sharline, Sharlot, Sharyl, Sherie, Sherye
Charle Aarna (C.A.), ..
How popular is Charle?
Charle is an uncommon first name for females but a somewhat popular surname for both adults and children (#125639 out of 150436, Top 84%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Charlotte (#6 VIA LATEST LIST), Charlie (#152), Carly (#483), Karla (#626), Carla (#1022), Karlie (#1054), Carlie (#1230), Karly (#1728), Charlene (#1813), Karli (#1831), Cheryl, Sharyl, Sharlene, Sharleen, Sharla, Cheryll, Charlyne, Cherlyn, Chattie, Carleen, Charly, Charlsie, Charline, Charlette, Charleen, Charla, Carline and Sherie are the prominent varying forms of Charle (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Charlett, are uncommon. These forms of Charle were favored as baby names in the 1950s (MEDIAN #1216) and are somewhat less conventional today (#1640, 34.9% LESS USAGE). Charlotte is more widely used than the rest, though Charlie has grown popular as well, while forms such as Charla are now less common. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Charle is pronounced similarly to Shirl. Other recommended sound-alike names are Caralea, Caralee, Caralie, Caree, Carel, Carely, Carie▼, Cariel, Carlah, Carle, Carleah, Carlee, Carlen, Carley▼, Carli▼, Carlia, Carlla, Carlye, Carol▼, Carola, Carole▼, Carolee, Caroll, Caroly, Caryl▼, Caryll, Chanee, Chante▼, Chantle, Charee, Charela (see Harela), Charell, Charelle, Charese, Chari, Charice, Charie, Charil, Charin, Charis, Charise, Charlea, Charlee▲, Charlena, Charley▲, Charli▲, Charlice, Charlien, Charlize, Charlyn, Charma, Charrela (see Harela), Chele, Chelle, Chere, Cheree, Cherell, Cherelle, Cherie▼, Cherilee, Cheryle▼, Cherylee, Cherylie, Cherylle, Chyril, Clare, Clarie, Corlee, Corlie, Corly, Creole, Sharee, Sharlee and Sharlie. These names tend to be more frequently used than Charle.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]