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♀ Charlette
What does Charlette mean?
Charlette as a name for girls has its root in Old German, and the meaning of the name Charlette is "free man". Charlette is a version of Charlotte (Old German).
VARIANTS Sharlotte, Sharlott, Sharlot, Sharlette, Sharlett, Sharlet, Charlott, Charlot, Charlett, Charlet
RELATIONS VIA CHARLOTTE Carletta, Carlotta, Charlaine, Charle, Charleen▼, Charlene▼, Charlesetta, Charletta, Charlie▲, Charline▼, Charlita, Charlotta, Charlsie, Charlyne, Charolett, Charolette, Karletta, Karlotte, Sharlene▼, Sharlotta
Charlette Cattleya (C.C.), ..
How popular is Charlette?
Charlette is a very popular first name for women (#1928 out of 4276, Top 45%) but a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Charlette was first listed in 1940-1949 and reached its highest rank of #1233 in the U.S. in the 1940s, but is not found in the list currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Charlotte (#6 A YEAR AGO), Charlie (#152), Charlene (#1813), Carletta, Carlotta, Charleen, Charlesetta, Charline, Charlotta, Charlsie, Charlyne, Charolette and Sharlene are the prominent related forms of Charlette. Other forms, like Charolett, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Charlette is at its highest presently (ADOPTION OF 0.88%), except for versions like Charline which have fallen out of fashion. Charlotte and Charlie are two of the more chic girl names here.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Arlette▲, Barbette, Cadette, Caretta, Carlee, Carlene▼, Carleta, Carletha, Carlethe, Carlette, Carlita, Carlota, Carlyta (see Carly), Charee, Chareese, Charelle, Charese, Chariety, Charitee (see Charity), Charitye (see Charity), Charlayne, Charlea, Charlee▲, Charleena, Charleene, Charleesa (see Charlene), Charleigh▲, Charlena, Charlesette, Charley▲, Charlice, Charlize, Charmene, Charmese, Clairette, Claretta, Clarette, Claudette▼, Clayrette, Colette▲, Collette, Earletta, Earlette, Earvette (see Irvette), Erlette, Garnette, Halette, Hariette, Marette, Margette, Mariette, Marlette, Marnette, Paulette▼, Pearlette, Perlette, Philette, Sallette, Sarette, Scarlett▲, Scarletta, Scarlette▲, Shakette (see Sha-), Sharlee, Sharletta, Sharleyne (see Sharlene), Shawnette, Starletta and Starlette. These names tend to be less commonly used than Charlette.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]