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♀ Cherylie
What does Cherylie mean?
Cherylie as a name for girls has its root in French, and the name Cherylie means "dear". Cherylie is an alternate form of Cher (French).
VARIANT Cherylee
RELATED FORMS VIA CHER Chere, Cheree, Cheri▼, Cherice, Cherie▼, Cherise, Cherrie, Chery, Cherye, Sherelle, Sherie, Sheryll
Cherylie Amila (C.A.), ..
How popular is Cherylie?
Cherylie is an uncommon first name for females. Cherylie is an equivalently rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Cherylie (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 are Cher, Chere, Cheree, Cheri, Cherie, Cherise, Cherrie, Sherie and Sheryll. Adoption of these relations of Cherylie was well-received 58 years ago (AVERAGE #1301), but now, forms such as Cherie have become less fashionable. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Cherylie is alike in pronunciation to Cherilee. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Averylle, Beryle, Caralee, Caralie, Carli▼, Carlia, Carlie, Carlye, Carolee, Caryl▼, Caryle, Caylie, Cecilie, Celie, Cerelia, Cerella, Charell, Charelle, Charil, Charle, Charlea, Charlee▲, Charley▲, Charlie▲, Charline▼, Charlize, Charysse, Chele, Chelise, Chelle, Chellise, Chelsie▼, Cheralin (see Cherilyn), Cheralyn, Chereese, Cherilin, Cherilyn, Cherishe, Cherit, Cherlyne, Cherree, Cherrell, Cherrelle, Cherrylene, Cherrylin (see Cherilyn), Cherryline, Cherrylyn, Cheryl▼, Cherylann, Cheryle▼, Cherylin, Cherylinn (see Cheryl), Cheryll, Cheryllyn, Cherylyn, Cherysh, Cheslie, Chesslie (see Chesleigh), Chrisie, Chyril, Clerysse, Coralia, Corlee, Corlie, Creole, Keylie, Nerolie, Shellie▼, Sherilin, Sherlee, Sherlie, Sherryline (see Cherilyn), Sherylyn and Verlie. These names tend to be more frequently used than Cherylie.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]