Home > Chevelle


What does Chevelle mean?

Chevelle Pronunciation of Chevelle as a name for girls has its root in American. Chevelle is an alternate form of Cha- (American).



OTHER FORMS VIA CHA- Charelle, Chevonne



Chevelle Dixie (C.D.), ..

How popular is Chevelle?

Chevelle is an uncommon first name for women. Chevelle is an equally rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Chevelle entered the list in 2009 and reached its top rank of #1397 in the U.S. in the year 2014, and is currently at #1615. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Chevelle name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Chevelle outside U.S.

Similar Names

Chevelle is alike in pronunciation to Chavelle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aedelle, Beverle (see Beverly), Candelle, Carmelle, Cathelle (see Catherine), Catrelle, Cecille, Cerella, Chabeli, Chandelle, Chanele, Chanell, Chanelle, Channelle, Chantelle, Chapell, Chappell, Charell, Charelle, Chavela, Chele, Chelese, Chelie, Chelle, Chelli, Chellie, Chelse, Chenelle, Cheree, Chereese, Cherell, Cherelle, Cherene, Cherese, Cheresse, Cherrell, Cherrelle, Cherrellee (see Cheryl), Cheryle, Cherylee, Cherylie, Cheryll, Cherylle, Cheslee, Cheslie, Chesslie (see Chesleigh), Chevonne, Cheyenne, Cordelle, Correlle, Cybille, Denelle, Fredelle, Gemelle, Jemelle, Jenelle, Jewelle, Jovelle, Lavelle, Marvelle, Neelle (see Neilina), Semelle, Shanelle, Sharelle, Shelle, Shenell, Shenelle, Sheralle, Sherell, Sherelle, Sherrelle, Shonelle, Shynelle and Ywedelle (see Udele). These names tend to be more frequently used than Chevelle.
