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What does Cheyrie mean?

Cheyrie Pronunciation of Cheyrie as a name for girls is of French origin, and the name Cheyrie means "dear, darling". Cheyrie is an alternate spelling of Cherie (French).



VARIANTS Shuree, Shiree, Shery, Sherry, Sheria, Sheree, Shary, Sharay, Cherree, Cheri, Cheree, Charee

OTHER FORMS VIA CHERIE Cher, Chere, Chereen, Cherina, Cherita, Cheryl, Scherie



Cheyrie Rachel (C.R.), ..

How popular is Cheyrie?

Cheyrie is an uncommonly occurring first name for females. Cheyrie is an uncommon surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Cher, Chere, Cheree, Cheri, Cherie, Cheryl, Sheree and Sherry are the prominent variation forms of Cheyrie (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). These forms of Cheyrie were favored by parents in the 1950s (AVERAGE #884), but now, forms such as Cheri have become less stylish. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cher, Chere, Cheree, Cheri, Cherie in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cheryl, Sheree, Sherry in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Cheyrie and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Cheyrie is alike in pronunciation to Chari, Charie, Cheray, Cherey, Cherrey, Cherri, Cherrie, Cherry, Chery, Cherye, Sharie, Sharrie, Sherae, Sheraie, Sheri, Sherie, Sherree, Sherri, Sherrie and Sherye. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Carie, Carrie, Caylie, Caysie, Cearia, Ceri, Ceria, Cerise, Cerria, Cesarie, Charil, Charin, Charis, Charise, Chassie, Chelcie, Chele, Chelie, Chelle, Chellie, Chelsi, Chelsie, Cherece, Cherice, Cherida, Cherise, Cherit, Cherith, Cherrice, Cherrill (see Cheryl), Cherrise, Cherryl, Cheryce, Cherylie, Cheslee, Chesli, Cheslie, Chesnie, Chessie, Chesslie (see Chesleigh), Choire, Chrystie, Chyril, Cieria, Clarie, Clayre, Cleonie, Corie, Corrie, Gerie, Merrie, Shelbie, Shellie, Sherlie and Terrie. These names tend to be more commonly used than Cheyrie.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
