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♀ Christal
What does Christal mean?
Christal ▼ as a name for girls has its root in Greek, and the meaning of the name Christal is "ice". Christal is a variant form of Crystal (Greek): from "krystallos".
VARIANTS Krystyl, Krystol, Krystlelea, Krystle▼, Krystl, Krystil, Krystelle, Krystel, Krystall, Krystale, Krystal▼, Kristol, Kristle, Kristl, Kristelle, Kristell, Kristel, Kristall, Kristale, Kristal▼, Crystle, Crystell, Crystel, Crystall, Cristel, Cristal▼, Chrystol, Chrystele, Chrystel, Chrystal▼, Christyl, Christol, Christl, Christelle, Christell, Christele, Christel, Christall
RELATIONS VIA CRYSTAL Christalene, Christalin, Christalle, Christalyn, Christella, Christle, Chrystalla, Chrystalle, Chrystle, Cristalle, Cristalyn, Cristle, Crysta▼, Khristalle
Christal Kenzley (C.K.), ..
How popular is Christal?
Christal is a very popular first name for females (#1209 out of 4276, Top 28%) and also a very popular surname for both adults and children (#48567 out of 150436, Top 32%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Christal entered the list in 1950-1959 and reached its apex position of #593 in the U.S. during 1970-1979, but is not found in the list currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Crystal (#717 LAST YEAR), Krystal (#1403), Christel, Chrystal, Cristal, Crysta, Crystle, Kristal, Kristel, Kristle and Krystle are the prominent variation forms of Christal rated in the Top 2000. Adoption of these forms of Christal was common among parents 4 decades ago (USAGE OF 1.21%) and has become much lower since (USAGE 0.03%, DOWN 97%).
Similar Names
Christal▼ is alike in pronunciation to Khristal, Khristel and Khrystal. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Arista, Bristol▲, Carisa, Carisma, Carissa▼, Cerisa, Cerissa, Charisha, Charisma▼, Charissa, Charista, Charita, Cherisa, Chrissee, Chrissie, Chrissta (see Christina), Chrisstie (see Christina), Chrisstina (see Christina), Chrissty (see Christina), Christabella, Christabelle, Christana, Christeen, Christena▼, Christene, Christi▼, Christia, Christiaan (see Christian), Christian▼, Christiana, Christiann (see Christiana), Christianna, Christianne, Christianni, Christie▼, Christin▼, Christine▼, Christini, Christinia, Christinn, Christmar (see Christina), Christmas, Christna, Christobel, Christon, Chrystalynn, Chrystee (see Christina), Chrystelle, Chrystine, Chrystobel, Chrystyn, Corisa, Corita, Crista, Cristabel, Cristella, Cristelle, Cristen, Cristi, Cristiana, Cristie, Cristina▼, Cristine, Cristy▼, Cristyn, Crystabel, Crystalyn, Crystie, Khristy, Khristya (see Christina), Trista▼ and Tristan▼. These names tend to be less commonly used than Christal.