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♀ Christeen
What does Christeen mean?
Christeen as a girls' name is of Latin derivation, and the meaning of Christeen is "follower of Christ". Christeen is a version of Christina (Latin). Christeen is also a variant of Christine (French, Latin).
VARIANTS Krystyne, Krystine, Krystene, Kristyne, Kristine▼, Kristin▼, Kristeen, Kristaine, Kristain, Khristine, Khristeen, Crystine, Crystin, Crystene, Cristine, Cristin▼, Chrystine, Christyne, Christinn, Christin▼, Christene, Christan, Christain, Chrisstine, Chrisstan
RELATIONS VIA CHRISTINA, CHRISTINE Chrissie, Chrisstie, Christa▼, Christanna, Christeena, Christel, Christelle, Christen▼, Christena▼, Christi▼, Christia, Christian▼, Christiana, Christiane, Christie▼, Christinea, Christini, Christinna, Christmar, Christna, Christy▼, Christyna, Chrystee, Chrystel, Chrystle, Cristel, Cristen, Cristena, Cristie, Khristena, Kristeena, Kristen▼
Christeen Iva (C.I.), ..
How popular is Christeen?
Christeen is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#2727 out of 4276, Top 64%) but an uncommon surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Christeen entered the list in 1900-1909 and reached its highest position of #944 in the U.S. in the 1920s, but is not found in the list currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Christeen rated in the Top 2000 are Christina (#439 A YEAR AGO), Christine (#926), Kristen (#1226), Christiana (#1387), Chrissie, Christin, Kristin, Cristine, Cristin, Cristie, Cristen, Christy, Christie, Christa, Christiane, Christian, Christi, Christene, Christena, Christen, Christel, Christan and Kristine. Other variants, like Christinea, are seldom used. These relations of Christeen were at the apex of their popularity 5 decades ago (AVERAGE #944) and have become much less popular since (#1832, ▼97.1%), with forms such as Christina falling out of fashion.
Similar Names
Christeen is pronounced similarly to Christaine, Christanne, Christiaan, Christienne, Christon, Christyann, Christyn, Chrysten, Chrystyn, Cristyn, Khristin and Kristien. Other recommended sound-alike names are Charista, Charitee (see Charity), Chrisie, Chrissee, Chrissta (see Christina), Chrissti, Chrisstina (see Christina), Christable, Christal▼, Christall, Christalle, Christalyn, Christele, Christella, Christiann (see Christiana), Christianna, Christianne, Christianni, Christinia, Christinie (see Christine), Christle, Christleen, Christline, Christmas, Christobel, Christol, Christyl, Chrysta, Chrystabel, Chrystal▼, Chrystele, Chrystelle, Chrystian, Chrystie, Chrystina, Chrystobel, Chrystol, Chrystyna, Crista, Cristabel, Cristal▼, Cristalyn, Cristella, Cristelle, Cristi, Cristian, Cristiana, Cristina▼, Cristiona, Cristle, Cristy▼, Crystel, Crystell, Crystena, Crystie, Crystle, Khristel, Khristen, Khristian, Khristie, Kirsteen, Kristee (see Christy) and Tristen▼. These names tend to be less commonly used than Christeen.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]