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What does Christel mean?
Christel as a girls' name is of Latin and Greek derivation, and the meaning of the name Christel is "follower of Christ; ice". Christel is a variant form of Christelle (Latin): altered variant of Christine. Christel is also a form of Christina (Latin). Christel is also used as a variant of Crystal (Greek).
VARIANTS Krystyl, Krystol, Krystlelea, Krystle▼, Krystl, Krystil, Krystelle, Krystel, Krystall, Krystale, Krystal▼, Kristol, Kristle, Kristl, Kristelle, Kristell, Kristel, Kristall, Kristale, Kristal▼, Crystle, Crystell, Crystel, Crystall, Cristelle, Cristel, Cristal▼, Chrystol, Chrystelle, Chrystele, Chrystel, Chrystal▼, Christyl, Christol, Christl, Christell, Christele, Christall, Christal▼
RELATIONS VIA CHRISTELLE, CHRISTINA, CRYSTAL Chris▼, Chrissa, Chrissie, Chrissta, Chrisstan, Chrissti, Chrisstie, Chrissty, Chrissy▼, Christa▼, Christain, Christalin, Christalle, Christalyn, Christan, Christeen, Christeena, Christella, Christen▼, Christena▼, Christene, Christi▼, Christia, Christian▼, Christie▼, Christin▼, Christine▼, Christinea, Christini, Christinn, Christle, Christleen, Christmar, Christna, Christy▼, Christyna, Chrystee, Chrystle, Crissey, Crista, Cristella, Cristen, Cristena, Cristi, Cristie, Cristin▼, Cristle, Cristy▼, Khristeen, Khristena, Khristya, Kristen▼
Christel Brooke (C.B.), ..
How popular is Christel?
Christel is a very popular first name for females (#1712 out of 4276, Top 40%) and also a very popular last name for both adults and children (#42217 out of 150436, Top 28%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Christel entered the list in 1950-1959 and reached its highest rank of #882 in the U.S. during 1970-1979, but is not found in the list currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Christel ranked in the Top 2000 are Chris, Chrissie, Chrissy, Christa, Christal, Christan, Christeen, Christen, Christena, Christene, Christi, Christian, Christie, Christin, Christina (#439 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Christine (#926), Christy, Chrystal, Crista, Cristal, Cristen, Cristi, Cristie, Cristin, Cristy, Crystal (#717), Crystle, Kristal, Kristel, Kristen (#1226), Kristle, Krystal (#1403) and Krystle. These forms of Christel were at the top of their popularity in the 1980s (AVERAGE #980) and are now much less common (#1844, DOWN 97%), with forms like Christen becoming less fashionable.
Similar Names
Christel is alike in pronunciation to Khristal, Khristel and Khrystal. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Bristol▲, Cariel, Cerise, Cerisse, Chantel▼, Charise, Charisse, Charista, Charitee (see Charity), Charitey (see Charity), Chauntel, Cherise, Cherishe, Cherisse, Chontel, Chriselda, Chrisie, Chrissee, Chrisstina (see Christina), Christabel, Christabelle, Christable, Christaine, Christalene, Christanna, Christanne, Christey (see Christy), Christiaan (see Christian), Christiane, Christiann (see Christiana), Christienne, Christinia, Christinie (see Christine), Christinna, Christmas, Christobel, Christon, Christyann (see Christiana), Christyn, Christyne, Chrisy, Chrysta, Chrystalla, Chrystalle, Chrysten, Chrystian, Chrystie, Chrystina, Chrystine, Chrystobel, Chrystyn, Chrystyna, Cristabel, Cristabell, Cristalle, Cristalyn, Cristina▼, Cristine, Cristyn, Crysta▼, Crystena, Crystene, Crystie, Crystin, Khrista, Khristen, Khristie, Khristin, Khristy, Kristee (see Christy), Kristey and Maristela. These names tend to be less frequently used than Christel.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]