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♀ Christine
What does Christine mean?
Christine ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced kris-TEEN. It is of French and Latin origin, and the meaning of Christine is "follower of Christ". Originally a French form of Christina used as an English name since the 19th century.
STARTS/ENDS WITH Chris-, -tine
ASSOCIATED WITH 19th century
VARIANTS Chris▼, Chrissa, Chrissie, Chrisstine, Christa▼, Christeen, Christelle, Christen▼, Christene, Christi▼, Christie▼, Christinie, Christy▼, Christyne, Chrystine, Cristine, Crystin, Khristine, Kine, Kirstin▼, Kirsty, Kristain, Kristaine, Kristeen, Kristen▼, Kristene, Kristin▼, Kristine▼, Kristyne, Krystene, Krystine, Krystyne, Kryssi, Tinie
SEE ALSO Kirsten, Krista, Trista
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA CHRISTINA Chrisstan, Chrissti, Chrisstie, Chrisstina, Christain, Christan, Christanna, Christeena, Christel, Christena▼, Christia, Christian▼, Christiana, Christiane, Christianna, Christin▼, Christinea, Christini, Christinia, Christinn, Christinna, Christmar, Christna, Christyna, Chrystee, Chrystina, Chrystle, Chrystyna, Crissie, Cristen, Cristena, Cristi, Cristie, Cristin▼, Cristina▼, Cristiona, Crystene, Crystie, Crystina, Crystine, Hristina, Khristena, Khristina, Kristina▼
Christine Sanaa (C.S.), ..
How popular is Christine?
Christine is a very popular first name for women (#43 out of 4276, Top 1%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#16074 out of 150436, Top 11%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Christine reached its top rank of #22 in the U.S. in the 1970s, and is currently at #926. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Christine (#926 IN 2018) are Chris, Chrissie, Christa, Christan, Christeen, Christel, Christen, Christena, Christene, Christi, Christian, Christiana (#1387), Christiane, Christianna, Christie, Christin, Christina (#439), Christinia, Christy, Crissie, Cristen, Cristi, Cristie, Cristin, Cristina (#1169), Cristine, Kirsten, Kirstin, Kirsty, Krista, Kristen (#1226), Kristin, Kristina (#1087), Kristine, Tinie and Trista. Other forms, like Crystine, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Christine was well-received 48 years ago (AVERAGE #996) and has become much reduced since (#1844, ▼96.8%), with versions such as Krista becoming less trendy.
Similar Names
Christine▼ is alike in pronunciation to Christaine, Christanne, Christiaan, Christienne, Christon, Christyann, Christyn, Chrysten, Chrystyn, Cristyn, Khristin and Khrystyne. Other recommended sound-alike names are Brittine (see Brittany), Celestine▼, Charista, Chastin, Chastina, Chastine, Chrisanna, Chrisanne, Chrisie, Chrissta (see Christina), Chrissty (see Christina), Christabel, Christable, Christal▼, Christalene, Christalin, Christall, Christalle, Christalyn, Christana, Christele, Christell, Christiann (see Christiana), Christianne, Christianni, Christl, Christle, Christleen, Christline, Christmas, Christobel, Christol, Christyl, Chrysta, Chrystabel, Chrystalle, Chrystel, Chrystele, Chrystelle, Chrystian, Chrystie, Chrystobel, Chrystol, Crista, Cristabel, Cristal▼, Cristalle, Cristelle, Cristian, Cristiana, Cristle, Cristy▼, Crystena, Crystle, Crystyna, Khristen, Khristian, Khristie, Khristyna, Khrystina (see Khristina), Kirstine, Kristiane and Kristie▼. These names tend to be less frequently used than Christine.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]