Home > Christle


What does Christle mean?

Christle Pronunciation of Christle as a girls' name has its root in Greek, and the name Christle means "ice". Christle is an alternate form of Crystal (Greek): from "krystallos".




VARIANTS Khrystle, Cristle, Chrystle

RELATIONS VIA CRYSTAL Christal, Christalene, Christalin, Christall, Christalle, Christalyn, Christel, Christele, Christell, Christella, Christelle, Christl, Christleen, Christline, Christol, Christyl, Chrystal, Chrystalle, Chrystel, Chrystele, Chrystol, Cristal, Cristalle, Cristel, Crystle, Khristalle, Kristale, Kristl, Kristle, Krystle



Christle Stacy (C.S.), ..

How popular is Christle?

Christle is an unusual first name for women but a somewhat prominent surname for all people (#75219 out of 150436, Top 50%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent variation forms of Christle (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Crystal (#717 A YEAR AGO), Christal, Christel, Chrystal, Cristal, Crystle, Kristle and Krystle. These relations of Christle were at the apex of their popularity in the 1980s (AVERAGE #942) and are now much less popular (#1839, DOWN 98%), with versions such as Cristal going out of style. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Christal, Christel, Chrystal, Cristal, Crystal in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Crystle, Kristle, Krystle in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Christle and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Carisse, Chantle, Charisse, Charista, Cherise, Cherishe, Cherisse, Chris, Chrisanne, Chrissa, Chrissie, Chrisstan (see Christina), Chrissti, Chrisstie (see Christina), Chrisstina (see Christina), Chrisstine, Chrissy, Christa, Christable, Christain, Christaine, Christanna, Christen, Christena, Christene, Christey (see Christy), Christiaan (see Christian), Christian, Christiana, Christiane, Christie, Christin, Christina, Christinea, Christini, Christinia, Christinie (see Christine), Christmar (see Christina), Christmas, Christna, Christobel, Christon, Christy, Christyann (see Christiana), Christyn, Christyna, Chrystalla, Chrystee (see Christina), Chrysten, Chrystian, Chrystie, Chrystina, Chrystine, Chrystobel, Chrystyn, Crissie (see Christina), Cristella, Cristen, Cristine, Cristy, Cristyn, Crystel, Crystene, Crystin, Crystine, Cyrille, Khrista, Khristeen (see Christina), Khristel, Khristen, Khristie, Khristin, Khristine, Khristy and Khristya (see Christina). These names tend to be more commonly used than Christle.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
