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♀ Cile
What does Cile mean?
Cile as a girls' name. The name Cile means "blind; sixth". Cile is an alternate form of Cecilia (Latin, Old Welsh).
OTHER FORMS VIA CECILIA Cecil▼, Cecila, Cecile▼, Cecilea, Cecilee, Ceciley, Cecilie, Cecille, Cecily, Cecyle, Cee, Ceila, Ceileh, Ceilena, Ceilia, Cela, Celia▼, Celie, Celli, Cellie, Cesilie, Cicelie, Cicely, Cici, Cicilie, Cicily, Cili, Cilia, Cilka, Cilla, Cilly, Cissie, Sileas, Silke, Sisile
Cile Noella (C.N.), ..
How popular is Cile?
Cile is an unusual given name for women. Cile is an uncommon surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Cile (NOT IN TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000 are Cecilia (#155 VIA LATEST LIST), Celia (#936), Cecily (#1531), Cecil, Cecile, Cecille, Ceil, Cele, Celie, Cicely and Cilla. Other forms, like Silke, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Cile was widespread among parents 118 years ago (AVERAGE #1216) and is now much reduced (#1692, ▼54%), with forms such as Celia falling out of fashion. Cecilia is a constant favorite. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Cile is alike in pronunciation to Coel, Sal and Zele. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alle, Cade, Caila, Cailen, Cailey▼, Cailie, Cal, Cala, Calee, Calen, Caley, Cali▲, Calie, Camile, Carle, Cate, Caye, Ceili, Celes, Chele, Chloe, Ciline, Cima, Cira, Circe, Ciri, Cis, Clea, Clem, Cleo▼, Clo, Cloe▼, Coe, Cole, Coley, Cree, Daile, Dale▼, Elle▲, Gaile, Gale▼, Hille, Iole, Kyle▼, Mille, Neile, Odile, Udile, Vale and Viole. These names tend to be more frequently used than Cile.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]