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♀ Clarice
What does Clarice mean?
Clarice ▼ as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Clarice is "fame". Medieval English and French form of Claritia, which may have meant "fame" (from "clarus" meaning "famous"), but as a given name probably an elaboration of Clara. Also an English form of the French Clarisse, which is a form of Clarissa. It was borne by a character who appears in some versions of the medieval legends of Roland and other paladins of Charlemagne. Also form of Claire.
VARIANTS Claressa, Claris, Clarisa▼, Clarise, Clarisse, Claryce, Clerissa, Clerisse, Cleryce, Clerysse, Klarice, Klarise, Klarissa, Klaryce, Klarysa
SEE ALSO Candice
RELATIONS VIA CLARA, CLARISSA, CLARISSE Claire▲, Clairice, Clara▼, Clare, Clarecia, Claresa, Claribel, Clarica, Clarie, Clarina, Clarinda, Clarine, Clarissa▼, Clarita, Claritza, Clariza, Clarizza, Clarrie, Clarrisa, Clarry, Classie, Clayrice, Klarisa
Clarice Kyah (C.K.), ..
How popular is Clarice?
Clarice is a very popular first name for females (#647 out of 4276, Top 15%) but a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Clarice reached its apex rank of #276 in the U.S. during 1920-1929, but is not found in the list currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Clarice are Candice, Claire (#49 FROM RECENT DATA), Clara (#103), Clare (#759), Claribel, Clarinda, Clarine, Claris, Clarisa, Clarissa (#742), Clarita, Classie and Klarissa. Usage of these forms of Clarice was at its most widespread in the 1880s (MEDIAN #1206) and is now much diminished (#1546, ▼67%). Claire is more widely used than the rest, while forms such as Clarissa have lost favor.
Similar Names
Clarice▼ is alike in pronunciation to Cloris. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Alanice, Alarica, Alarice, Alumice, Artrice, Branice, Cacie, Cadie, Calico, Calie, Camile, Caprice, Caprise, Carie▼, Cariel, Carina, Carine, Carisa, Carle, Carrie▼, Carrine, Caryle, Catrice, Catrine, Cedrica, Cerice, Cerise, Chalice, Chanice, Chantrice, Chari, Charice, Charie, Charin, Charisa, Charise, Charish, Charisse, Charitey (see Charity), Chariti (see Charity), Charitye (see Charity), Chariza, Charlice, Charlie▲, Charlize, Cherece, Cherice, Cherie▼, Cherrice, Clairey, Clairita, Clarabel, Clarene, Clareta, Clari, Clary, Claude, Claudine▼, Collice, Corrie▼, Danice, Darice, Ellice, Janice▼, Kaprice, Katrice, Leatrice▼, Letrice, Marice, Nanice, Narice, Ranice, Shanice▼ and Sharice. These names tend to be less frequently used than Clarice.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]