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♀ Clelia
What does Clelia mean?
Clelia as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Clelia is "fame". From Greek Kleio. Modern Italian form of Cloelia, the feminine form of Cloelius, a Roman family name. A feisty heroine from legendary Roman history who after having been given by the Romans to the Etruscans as a hostage, escaped by swimming the River Tiber back to Rome. She was returned, but out of admiration, the Estrucans released her along with other hostages. French novelist Mlle de Scudéry (17th-century) retold her story. The name was borne by Saint Clelia Barbieri (19th century), patron saint of those mocked for their faith.
ASSOCIATED WITH greek, modern, heroine, legendary (mythology), river, 17th century, story (literary), saint, 19th century, faith (hope)
Clelia Janiya (C.J.), ..
How popular is Clelia?
Clelia is a somewhat popular first name for females (#3899 out of 4276, Top 91%) but a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Clelia has yet to make it into the Top 2000 thus far. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Abelia, Adelia▼, Alecia▼, Alesia▼, Aletia, Alexia▼, Allia, Amelia▲, Azelia, Belia, Cacelia, Caela, Caelin, Callia, Camelia, Carlia, Caylia, Cecelia▼, Ceclia, Ceilia, Cela, Celenia, Celesia, Celia▼, Celida, Celie, Celina, Celka, Cerelia, Ceria, Cesia, Chalia, Chela, Chelie, Chelisa, Chella, Chelsa, Chelsia, Cieria, Cilia, Clea, Cleona, Cleta, Cleva, Clodia, Crecia, Deelia, Delia▼, Ellia, Emelia▲, Evelia, Helia, Illia, Keelia, Leelia, Lelia▼, Loelia, Meelia, Melia, Neelia, Nelia, Odelia, Ofelia▼, Olesia, Olevia, Orelia, Ovelia, Pelia, Phelia, Seelia, Selia, Shelia▼, Ubelia, Udelia (see Odele) and Uvelia. These names tend to be less frequently used than Clelia.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]