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♀ Cody (girl)
What does Cody mean?
Cody ▼ as a girls' name (also used more regularly as boys' name Cody) is pronounced KO-dee. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Cody is "helper". Transferred use of the Irish surname Ó Cuidighthigh that was originally a byname for a helpful person, or of Mac Óda, a personal name of uncertain origin.
VARIANTS Coady, Codee, Codey, Codi, Codie, Kodee, Kodey, Kodie, Kody
Cody Cameron (C.C.), ..
How popular is Cody?
Cody is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#2373 out of 4276, Top 55%) and an even more prominent surname for all people (#1739 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Cody entered the list in 1970-1979 and reached its highest rank of #856 in the U.S. during 1980-1989, but is not found in the list currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Cady, Codi, Codie and Kodi (#1833 VIA LATEST LIST) are the prominent variation forms of Cody. These forms of Cody reached the top of their popularity 3 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 0.04%) and are now significantly less common (ADOPTION 0.01%, 83% LESS), with the form Cody becoming less stylish.
Similar Names
Cody▼ is pronounced similarly to Caddy, Cadee, Cadey, Cadi, Cadie, Cadye, Kadi and Kady. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Addy, Ady, Andy, Cacy, Cade, Candy▼, Cary▼, Casy, Caty, Cay, Cindy▼, Cloey, Cloudy, Coco, Coe, Coel, Cole, Coley, Colly, Con, Conny, Cor, Cora▼, Cordey, Cordi, Cordy, Corey▼, Cori, Corly, Corry, Cory▼, Coryn, Cy, Cyndy, Dody, Eddy, Edy, Elody, Goldy, Hedy, Jady, Jody▼, Judy▼, Lady, Mady, Nady and Rhody. These names tend to be less frequently used than Cody.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]