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What does Cortny mean?

Cortny Pronunciation of Cortny as a girls' name is an Old French name, and the name Cortny means "domain of Curtius". Cortny is an alternate form of Courtney (Old French): transferred use of the surname.



VARIANTS Quartney, Kourtnie, Kourtni, Kourtney, Kourtneigh, Kourtnee, Kortny, Kortnie, Kortni, Kortney, Kortnee, Kortnay, Courtny, Courtnie, Courtnee, Courtnay, Cortnie, Cortney, Cortneigh, Cortnee

RELATED FORMS VIA COURTNEY Cordney, Cordni, Cortenay, Corteney, Cortland, Cortne, Courtenay, Courteney, Courteny, Courtlyn, Kordney, Kourty



Cortny Elly (C.E.), ..

How popular is Cortny?

Cortny is a rare first name for females. Cortny is an equally unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Cortny (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Courtney (#1192 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Cortney, Courteney, Courtnee, Courtnie, Kortney, Kortni, Kourtney and Kourtni. Adoption of these forms of Cortny reached its highest in 1990 (AVERAGE #1060) and is now significantly less, with forms like Cortney going out of style. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cortney, Courteney, Courtnee, Courtney, Courtnie in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Kortney, Kortni, Kourtney, Kourtni in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Courtney outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Berny, Bonny, Briny, Caity, Carely, Carin, Carley, Carly, Caroly, Carrey, Cathy, Caty, Charty, Chorine, Chrisy, Cinthy, Coady, Cody, Coley, Colina, Colly, Con, Conney, Conny, Cor, Cora, Coraly, Cordey, Cordie, Cordis, Cordy, Coree, Coreen, Coreene, Coren, Corena, Corene, Coretta, Corey, Coriann, Corie, Corin, Corina, Corine, Corinn, Corinna, Corisa, Corita, Corlee, Corlene, Corley, Corly, Corona, Coronna, Correne, Correy, Corrie, Corrin, Corrinn, Corry, Corryne, Corva, Corvina, Cory, Coryn, Coryna, Corynn, Corynna, Corynne, Cyrene, Dorthy, Fortney, Fortny (see Fortney), Ronny and Tony. These names tend to be more commonly used than Cortny.
