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♀ Cris (girl)
What does Cris mean?
Cris as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Cris) is of Latin origin, and the meaning of the name Cris is "follower of Christ". Cris is a variant form of Christina (Latin).
RELATIONS VIA CHRISTINA Chrissa, Chrissy▼, Christa▼, Christi▼, Christy▼, Crissey, Crissie, Crissy, Crista, Cristal▼, Cristel, Cristen, Cristi, Cristie, Cristin▼, Cristy▼, Crysta▼, Kit, Krissy, Krista▼, Kristi▼, Kristy▼
Cris Anaiah (C.A.), ..
How popular is Cris?
Cris is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#3575 out of 4276, Top 84%) but an uncommon last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Cris entered the list in 1950-1959 and reached its highest position of #1639 in the U.S. in the 1950s, but is not in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Christina (#439 FROM RECENT DATA), Chris, Cristie, Kristi, Krista, Krissy, Kris, Kit, Crysta, Cristy, Cristin, Cristen, Cristi, Chrissy, Cristal, Crista, Crissy, Crissie, Christy, Christi, Christa and Kristy are the popular varying forms of Cris. Other variants, like Chrissa, are seldom used. Usage of these forms of Cris was common during the years 1970-1979 (MEDIAN #938) and is now much reduced, with versions like Kris becoming somewhat outmoded.
Similar Names
Cris is pronounced similarly to Khris. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alis, Anis, Ardis▼, Artis, Avis▼, Cai, Cain, Caisi, Cait, Cari▼, Carie▼, Carin, Caris, Carisa, Carlis, Carys▼, Cas, Cass, Ceil, Ceres, Ceri, Ceria, Cerisa, Cerise, Cerys, Charis, Chrisy, Ciri, Cis, Claris, Clio, Cloris, Cordis, Cori, Corie, Corin, Corisa, Cree, Crissa, Cypris, Doris▼, Edris, Elis, Eris, Idris, Iris▲, Isis▼, Karis, Lis, Lois▼, Loris, Lyris, Maris, Meris, Neris, Nis, Paris, Pris, Sis, Tais and Tris. These names tend to be less commonly used than Cris.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]