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♀ Cristal
What does Cristal mean?
Cristal ▼ as a girls' name has its roots in Latin and Greek, and the name Cristal means "follower of Christ; ice". Cristal is an alternate form of Christina (Latin). Cristal is also a variant of Crystal (Greek): from "krystallos".
VARIANTS Krystyl, Krystol, Krystlelea, Krystle▼, Krystl, Krystil, Krystelle, Krystel, Krystall, Krystale, Krystal▼, Kristol, Kristle, Kristl, Kristelle, Kristell, Kristel, Kristall, Kristale, Kristal▼, Crystle, Crystell, Crystel, Crystall, Cristelle, Cristel, Chrystol, Chrystelle, Chrystele, Chrystel, Chrystal▼, Christyl, Christol, Christl, Christelle, Christell, Christele, Christel, Christall, Christal▼
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA CHRISTINA, CRYSTAL Chrissa, Chrissta, Chrisstan, Christa▼, Christain, Christalin, Christalle, Christalyn, Christan, Christen▼, Christi▼, Christia, Christian▼, Christie▼, Christin▼, Christle, Christmar, Christna, Christy▼, Cris, Crisiant, Crissey, Crissie, Crissy, Crista, Cristalle, Cristalyn, Cristella, Cristen, Cristena, Cristi, Cristie, Cristin▼, Cristina▼, Cristine, Cristle, Cristy▼, Crysta▼, Crystalyn, Crystie, Krista▼, Kristalee, Kristalyn, Kristen▼, Kristi▼, Kristin▼, Kristy▼, Krysta▼
Cristal Rowyn (C.R.), ..
How popular is Cristal?
Cristal is a very prominent first name for women (#1437 out of 4276, Top 34%) and a slightly less prominent last name for both adults and children (#93006 out of 150436, Top 62%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Cristal entered the list in 1960-1969 and reached its peak rank of #377 in the U.S. in the year 1991, but is not listed at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Cristal are Christina (#439 A YEAR AGO), Crystal (#717), Cristina (#1169), Kristen (#1226), Krystal (#1403), Krysta, Kristy, Kristle, Kristin, Kristi, Cristin, Kristel, Kristal, Krista, Crystle, Crysta, Cristy, Cristine, Christa, Cristie, Christal, Christin, Christan, Christel, Christen, Christi, Christian, Christie, Christy, Cristi, Chrystal, Cris, Crissie, Crissy, Crista, Cristen and Krystle. Other forms, like Crystell, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Cristal was at its apex during 1980-1989 (MEDIAN #864) and has become significantly reduced since (#1867, 97.4% LESS USAGE), with versions such as Christina becoming somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Cristal▼ is alike in pronunciation to Khristal, Khristel and Khrystal. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abital, Arista, Avital, Bristol▲, Calista▼, Carisa, Carisia, Carisma, Carissa▼, Carita, Caritta, Carlista, Cerisa, Cerissa, Chantal▼, Charista, Chasta, Chita, Christabel, Christable, Christana, Christey (see Christy), Christmas, Christon, Christyn, Chrysta, Cindal, Corisa, Corissa, Corita, Cressa, Crisanta, Crissa, Cristabel, Cristabell, Cristian, Cristiana, Cristyn, Crystabel, Crystin, Gretal, Kristan▼, Trista▼ and Tristan▼. These names tend to be less commonly used than Cristal.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]