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♀ Cristian (girl)
What does Cristian mean?
Cristian as a girls' name (also used more commonly as boys' name Cristian) is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Cristian is "follower of Christ". Cristian is a variant form of Christian (Latin): from Latin Christianus.
VARIANTS Kristian▼, Khristian, Cristianne, Chrystian, Christianne, Christiane
OTHER FORMS VIA CHRISTIAN Christiaan, Christiana, Christianna, Christina▼, Cristiana, Cristianna, Kristien
Cristian Haddie (C.H.), ..
How popular is Cristian?
Cristian is a rare first name for females but a very popular surname for all people (#64750 out of 150436, Top 43%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Cristian entered the list in 1991 and reached its peak rank of #1740 in the U.S. then, but is not listed currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Cristian are Christina (#439 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Christiana (#1387), Christian, Christiane, Christianna and Kristian. These relations of Cristian reached the height of their popularity in the 1980s (AVERAGE #1192) and are now much less popular (#1689, ▼94%), with forms such as Kristian becoming somewhat outmoded.
Similar Names
Cristian is pronounced similarly to Christiann, Kristiane, Kristiann and Kristianne. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Brisia, Chrissta (see Christina), Chrissti, Chrisstina (see Christina), Christal▼, Christalin, Christan, Christanna, Christanne, Christel, Christen▼, Christene, Christia, Christienne, Christin▼, Christinn, Christinna, Christle, Christleen, Christline, Christmar (see Christina), Christmas, Christy▼, Christyann (see Christiana), Christyn, Christyna, Christyne, Chrystal▼, Chrystie, Chrystina, Chrystyn, Cressida, Crisiant, Crispina, Crissie (see Christina), Cristalyn, Cristel, Cristella, Cristelle, Cristena, Cristi, Cristie, Cristin▼, Cristine, Cristy▼, Cristyn, Crystal▼, Crystalann, Crystell, Crystene, Crystie, Crystin, Crystina, Crystle, Hristina, Krista▼, Kristal▼, Kristeen, Kristi▼, Kristiana, Kristijna, Kristina▼, Kristine▼, Kristinna, Kristyn▼, Krystiana, Trista▼, Tristana, Tristina, Tristyn and Trystan. These names tend to be more frequently used than Cristian.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]