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♀ Cristie
What does Cristie mean?
Cristie as a name for girls is a Latin name, and the name Cristie means "follower of Christ". Cristie is a version of Christina (Latin). Cristie is also a form of Christy (Latin).
VARIANTS Krysty, Krystie, Krystee, Krysta▼, Kristy▼, Kristie▼, Kristi▼, Kristey, Kristee, Krista▼, Khristya, Khristy, Khristie, Crystie, Crysta▼, Cristy▼, Cristi, Crista, Chrystie, Chrystee, Christie▼, Christi▼, Christey, Christa▼, Chrissty, Chrisstie, Chrissti, Chrissta
RELATED FORMS VIA CHRISTINA, CHRISTY Chrissie, Christain, Christan, Christeen, Christel, Christen▼, Christene, Christia, Christian▼, Christiane, Christin▼, Christine▼, Christinea, Christini, Christinn, Christna, Chrystle, Cris, Crissa, Crissey, Crissie, Crissy, Cristal▼, Cristel, Cristelle, Cristen, Cristena, Cristin▼, Cristina▼, Cristine, Cristiona, Crystal▼, Crystene, Crystina, Crystine, Hristina, Khristine, Kirstie▼, Kristeen, Kristel, Kristen▼, Kristin▼, Kristina▼, Kristine▼, Krystia, Krystle▼
Cristie Arlet (C.A.), ..
How popular is Cristie?
Cristie is a somewhat popular first name for women (#2884 out of 4276, Top 67%) but a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Cristie entered the list in 1960-1969 and reached its apex rank of #1350 in the U.S. in the 1970s, but is not found in the list at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Chrissie, Christa, Christan, Christeen, Christel, Christen, Christene, Christi, Christian, Christiane, Christie, Christin, Christina (#439 FROM RECENT DATA), Christine (#926), Christy, Cris, Crissie, Crissy, Crista, Cristal, Cristen, Cristi, Cristin, Cristina (#1169), Cristine, Cristy, Crysta, Crystal (#717), Kirstie, Krista, Kristel, Kristen (#1226), Kristi, Kristie, Kristin, Kristina (#1087), Kristine, Kristy, Krysta and Krystle are the prominent varying forms of Cristie. These forms of Cristie were favored 4 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 4.3%) and have become much less widespread since (ADOPTION 0.12%, DOWN 97%), with forms like Kristy becoming less trendy.
Similar Names
Cristie is alike in pronunciation to Krysti. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Brittie, Caisie, Caitie, Chrisie, Chrisstine, Christaine, Christal▼, Christele, Christinie (see Christine), Christl, Christle, Christline, Christol, Christon, Christyl, Christyn, Christyne, Chrystine, Cissie, Cristabel, Cristalle, Cristian, Cristiana, Cristianne (see Christian), Cristle, Cristyn, Crystel, Crystin, Crystle, Krissie, Kristien, Kristle, Mistie, Prissie and Tristin. These names tend to be less frequently used than Cristie.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]