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♀ D'Or
What does D'Or mean?
D'Or as a girls' name is of French origin. D'Or is an alternate spelling of Dior (French): surname.
D'Or Novaleigh (D.N.), ..
How popular is D'Or?
D'Or is an unusual first name for females. D'Or is an equally unusual surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Dior (#792 VIA LATEST LIST) is the only prominent alternative form of D'Or (UNLISTED). Adoption of this relation of D'Or is at its highest presently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
D'Or is pronounced similarly to Dior▲ and Dore. Other suggested similar-sounding names are D'Arcy, Da-, Dace, Dada, Dael, Dahl, Dai, Dail, Daira, Daly, Dama, Dane, Dani▲, Dany, Dara▲, Darb, Dari, Darra, Davy, Dawn▼, Day, Daya, De-, Deb, Debb, Debi, Debor, Dede, Dee▼, Deja▼, Deka, Del, Dela, Dell, Dena▼, Deon, Deora, Derry, Deva, Devi, Devra, Devri, Dian▼, Didi, Dido, Dina▼, Dion, Dita, Dix, Diza, Dobra, Doda, Dody, Dola, Doll, Dona▼, Dora▼, Dori, Doro, Dorri, Dory, Dot, Dova, Dove, Doxy, Drea, Drew, Dru, Duna, Dusa, Dwan, Dyan and Dyna. These names tend to be more frequently used than D'Or.