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♀ Dacy (girl)
What does Dacy mean?
Dacy as a name for girls (also used as boys' name Dacy) is a Latin name, and the meaning of the name Dacy is "clarity, whiteness; from the south". Dacy is an alternate spelling of Candace (Latin). Dacy is also a form of Dacey (Irish, Gaelic).
VARIANTS Deyci, Daisey, Daicy, Daicee, Dacee
RELATED FORMS VIA CANDACE, DACEY Caddy, Candy▼, Dace, Dacia, Dacie, Kandy
Dacy Selah (D.S.), ..
How popular is Dacy?
Dacy is an uncommon first name for females but a very popular last name for all people (#47485 out of 150436, Top 32%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Dacy (UNLISTED) are Candace, Candy, Dacia, Daisey and Kandy. These relations of Dacy were at the apex of their popularity 38 years ago (ADOPTION OF 0.17%), but now, versions such as Candy have become somewhat outmoded. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Dacy is pronounced similarly to Daisi, Daisy▼, Daizy, Dasie, Dasya, Daysi, Diza, Docie, Dosya and Dusa. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Cacy, Cascy, Da-, Dabny (see Dabney), Dada, Dael, Daffy, Dagny, Dahl, Dai, Dail, Dale▼, Daly, Dalya, Dama, Damya, Dana▼, Danay, Dane, Daney, Danfy, Dani▲, Danny, Dany, Danya, Daph, Dara▲, Darb, Darby▼, Darcey, Darci▼, Darcy, Dari, Darya, Daryl, Daryn, Datya, Davy, Dawn▼, Day, Daya, Dody, Dory, Doxy, Drucy, Dulcy, Fancy, Jacy, Kacy▼, Lacy▼, Lucy, Macy, Maicy, Marcy▼, Nancy▼, Stacy▼, Tacy, Tracy▼ and Yancy. These names tend to be more commonly used than Dacy.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]