Home > Daina


What does Daina mean?

Daina Pronunciation of Daina as a girls' name is of Hebrew, Latvian and Lithuanian origin, and the meaning of Daina is "God is my judge; song; melody". Name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.


ASSOCIATED WITH judge (righteous), israel


(female) Daida, ..

(male) Daino, ..

Daina Kenzley (D.K.), ..

How popular is Daina?

Daina is a somewhat popular first name for females (#3276 out of 4276, Top 77%) but a rare last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Daina was first listed in 1960-1969 and reached its peak rank of #1600 in the U.S. then, but is not listed at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Daina name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Daina outside U.S.

Similar Names

Daina is alike in pronunciation to Dagna, Dahna, Dahnya, Dana, Danae, Danea, Danee, Dannee, Danney, Danya, Dayana, Deanna, Deena, Deionna, Denay, Deni, Denni, Diahna, Diana, Digna, Dinay, Donya, Duana, Dwayna and Dyna. Other recommended sound-alike names are Catina, Dafna, Dagny, Dahiana, Dai, Daija, Daira, Daisi, Dalia, Dalina, Dama, Damia, Damya, Dane, Danne, Daria, Darina, Dasha, Davina, Dawn, Dawne, Dayne, Deija, Dila, Drina, Edina, Faina, Gavina, Hanina, Jaina, Jana, Katina, Laina, Lanna, Lavina, Mahina, Marina, Moina, Nana, Pnina, Raina, Shaina, Tahna, Taina, Yamina, Yana, Yanna, Yarina, Zaina and Zanna. These names tend to be less frequently used than Daina.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
