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♀ Danielle
What does Danielle mean?
Danielle ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced dan-YELL. It is of Hebrew and French origin, and the meaning of Danielle is "God is my Judge". Feminine variant of Daniel. Novelist Danielle Steele.
ASSOCIATED WITH judge (righteous)
VARIANTS Daanelle, Danee, Danele, Danella, Danelle▼, Danelley, Danette▼, Daney, Dani▲, Dania, Danica▼, Danice, Danie, Daniela, Daniele, Daniella▲, Danijela, Danila, Danit, Danita▼, Danitza, Danna, Dannette, Danney, Danni, Danniella, Dannielle, Danny, Dannyce, Dany, Danya, Danyell, Danyella, Danyelle▼, Dhanielle, Doneille
SEE ALSO Denelle, Janelle, Ranielle
Danielle Naya (D.N.), ..
How popular is Danielle?
Danielle is a very prominent first name for females (#150 out of 4276, Top 3%) and also a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#53659 out of 150436, Top 36%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Danielle entered the list in 1930-1939 and reached its highest rank of #17 in the U.S. in 1991, and is at #382 currently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Danielle (#382 IN 2018) listed in the Top 2000 are Danelle, Danette, Dani (#945), Dania (#1338), Danica (#1008), Daniel, Daniela (#195), Daniele, Daniella (#370), Danita, Danna (#525), Dannette, Dannielle, Danny, Danya, Danyell, Danyelle and Janelle (#582). Adoption of these forms of Danielle reached its peak 4 decades ago (USAGE OF 1%) and has become much reduced since (USAGE 0.3%, 70% LESS), with forms like Danita becoming less fashionable. Dani and Daniella are two of the more fashionable baby names here.
Similar Names
Danielle▼ is alike in pronunciation to Danell, Danille, Dannell, Dannelle, Dawnelle, Dawnielle, Dawnyelle, Denell, Dinelle, Donell, Donelle, Donielle, Donnell and Donnelle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adrielle, Agnelle, Angelle, Arielle▲, Aurielle, Bazille, Brandelle, Brielle▲, Candelle, Carniella, Cathelle (see Catherine), Catrelle, Chanelle▼, Channelle, Daile, Damalla, Damienne, Dangela, Danise, Darcelle, Darelle, Dariele (see Daria), Darielle, Darrille (see Daryl), Diella, Donalie, Gavrielle, Hazelle, Jaelle, Jahnelle, Jamielee, Jamille, Janell▼, Janellie, Janiella, Jeanelle, Jeannelle, Jenelle▼, Katelle, Lachelle, Lanelle, Laniece, Lavelle, Mabelle▼, Maelle, Marelle, Maribelle, Merielle, Murielle, Narelle, Pashelle, Rainelle, Raziella, Renelle, Ronelle, Sabelle, Samelle, Samuelle, Sandrelle, Shanelle▼ and Shantelle. These names tend to be less commonly used than Danielle.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]