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♀ Danna
What does Danna mean?
Danna as a girls' name is pronounced DANN-ah. It is of Old English origin. Feminine variant of Daniel. Dannah is a biblical place name. Also form of Danielle.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, biblical
VARIANTS Dana▼, Danelle▼, Danette▼, Dani▲, Dania, Danice, Danise, Danita▼, Danitza, Dannah, Dannalee, Dannee, Dannell, Dannelle, Danni, Dannia, Dannon, Dantina, Dany, Danya
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Danda, ..
(male) Danda, ..
Danna Yuliana (D.Y.), ..
How popular is Danna?
Danna is a very popular first name for females (#1108 out of 4276, Top 26%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#8519 out of 150436, Top 6%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Danna entered the list in 1930-1939 and reached its peak position of #267 in the U.S. in the year 2010, and is presently at #525. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Danielle (#382 LAST YEAR), Dana (#849), Dani (#945), Dania (#1338), Danelle, Danette, Daniel, Danita and Danya are the prominent alternative forms of Danna (#525). These forms of Danna were favored as baby names in the 1980s (MEDIAN #1114) and have become much less conventional since (#1403, DOWN 88%), with forms such as Dana going out of style. Dani is the most contemporarily stylish birth name here.
Similar Names
Danna is pronounced similarly to Dagna, Dahna, Danae▼, Danay, Danee, Danny, Dayanna, Dayna▼, Deeana, Deena▼, Deenya, Dena▼, Denah, Deney, Dennie, Denny, Deonna, Dhana, Dhanna, Diana▼, Dianna▼, Dinae, Dinny, Dionna and Dyana. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Canna, Dafna, Dama, Damia, Damya, Dane, Danne, Dawn▼, Dawne, Dayne, Deann▼, Deanne▼, Diann▼, Dianne▼, Dyann, Dyanne, Eanna, Hanna▼, Ianna, Janna▼, Lanna, Nanna, Ranna, Sanna, Vanna, Wanna, Yanna and Zanna. These names tend to be less commonly used than Danna.