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♀ Darice
What does Darice mean?
Darice as a girls' name. Modern feminine form of Darius. Also form of Dara. Also form of Darcie. Also form of Daria.
Darice Harley (D.H.), ..
How popular is Darice?
Darice is an uncommonly occurring first name for females. Darice is also an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Darice entered the list in 1950-1959 and reached its top rank of #1718 in the U.S. then, but is not listed at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Dara (#1170 LAST YEAR), Daria (#1671) and Darcie are the prominent related forms of Darice. Usage of these forms of Darice was at its apex during the years 1970-1979 (MEDIAN #1177) and is somewhat lower today (#1710, ▼43%), with the version Darcie going out of style. Dara is the most chic girl name in this compilation.
Similar Names
Darice is pronounced similarly to Dorice, Doris▼ and Doryse. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Carie▼, Carine, Catrice, Cerice, Charice, Clarice▼, Dace, Daicee (see Dacey), Daile, Dalise, Danice, Danie, Danise, Daralice, Darbee, Darbie, Darcee, Darcel, Darcey, Darci▼, Darcia, Darcie▼, Daria, Darian▼, Dariane, Dariele (see Daria), Darille, Darina, Darissa, Darline, Darnae, Darsee, Darsie, Dasie, Davine, Delice, Denice▼, Derica, Derine, Derrica, Dorcey, Dorcie, Dorine, Dorisa, Drucy, Fabrice, Farica, Janice▼, Jarica, Kaprice, Karie▼, Karine, Katrice, Klarice, Lanice, Larine, Latrice▼, Laurice, Marice, Maricel, Marie▼, Marine, Marise, Nanice, Narine, Nerice, Patrice▼, Ranice, Sarie, Sarine, Sharice and Vardice. These names tend to be more commonly used than Darice.