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♀ Darielle
What does Darielle mean?
Darielle as a girls' name. The name Darielle means "maintains possessions well". Darielle is an alternate form of Daria (Greek, Persian): feminine of Darius.
VARIANTS Darrelle, Dariele
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA DARIA Dariane, Darice, Darien, Darienne
Darielle Farah (D.F.), ..
How popular is Darielle?
Darielle is an unusual given name for females. Darielle is an equivalently uncommon last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Daria (#1671 IN 2018), Darice and Darien are the popular variation forms of Darielle (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000. These relations of Darielle were at the apex of their popularity 20 years ago and have become much less widespread since. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Darielle is alike in pronunciation to Darel, Darelle, Darille, Darrel, Darrell, Darrill, Darrille, Darryll, Daryll and Dorelle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aprille, Ardelle, Ariellel, Arnelle, Aurelle, Aurielle, Baseelle (see Basilia), Bazeelle (see Basilia), Bazille, Candelle, Carmella▼, Cornelle, Danelle▼, Danelley, Danniella, Danyell, Danyella, Darcee, Darcell, Dareese, Darelis, Dawnelle, Denelle, Dhanielle, Dorienne, Gabriele, Gabriell, Gabriella, Gabrielle▼, Gavrielle, Gayelle, Gazelle, Hariette, Jaenelle, Jamielee, Janelle, Jannelle, Karniella (see Carna), Katelle, Lachelle, Lanelle, Lorelle, Loribelle, Mabelle▼, Machelle, Madelle, Marcelle, Marchelle, Mariella▲, Marisella, Marivella, Marlele, Marsiella, Marvell, Marvelle, Merielle, Mirielle, Myrelle, Narelle, Orielle, Priella, Rachelle▼, Ranelle, Sadelle and Samelle. These names tend to be more commonly used than Darielle.