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♀ Darrah (girl)
What does Darrah mean?
Darrah as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Darrah) has its root in Hebrew, and Darrah means "nugget of wisdom". Darrah is an alternate spelling of Dara (Hebrew).
VARIANTS Darya, Darragh, Darra, Daria, Darah
OTHER FORMS VIA DARA Darda, Dareen, Darian▼, Darice
Darrah Lela (D.L.), ..
How popular is Darrah?
Darrah is a rare given name for females but a very popular last name for all people (#9064 out of 150436, Top 6%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Darrah (NOT RANKED) are Dara (#1170 IN 2018), Daria (#1671), Darian and Darice. Other variants, like Darah, are seldom used. Usage of these forms of Darrah was at its peak 24 years ago (MEDIAN #1208) and is now much diminished (#1710, ▼69.7%). Daria is more universally found than the rest, though Dara has become popular as well, while Darian is now somewhat dated. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Darrah is pronounced similarly to Daeira, Daira, Dari, Deora, Derry, Dora▼, Dorae, Dorah, Dorea, Doria, Dorri, Dorria, Dorrie, Dorry and Doura. Other recommended sound-alike names are Barah, Barra, Carah, Carlah, Ciarrah, Daijah▼, Dajah▼, Daliah, Dalyah, Danah, Dannah, Darla▼, Darnae, Darrby (see Darby), Darrel, Darrian, Darryl, Dassah, Datiah (see Datya), Datyah (see Datya), Dayah, Debrah▼, Derran, Dorran, Drea, Drorah (see Derora), Farah▲, Farra, Farrah, Farran, Hajrah, Karah, Karlah, Karra, Karrah, Larra, Marah, Mariah▼, Marra, Sabrah, Sairah, Sarah▼, Sarhah, Sariah▲, Sarra, Sarrah, Tamrah, Tarah▼, Tarra, Tarrah, Terrah, Zahrah, Zarah, Zariah▲ and Zorrah. These names tend to be more commonly used than Darrah.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]