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♀ Daysha
What does Daysha mean?
Daysha as a name for girls is of Latin origin. Daysha is a version of Dacia (Latin).
Daysha Emelyn (D.E.), ..
How popular is Daysha?
Daysha is an unusual first name for women. Daysha is an uncommon last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Daysha entered the list in 1995 and reached its apex rank of #1167 in the U.S. in 1996, but is not in the Top 1000 at the moment. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Dacia is the only other popular related form of Daysha ranked in the Top 2000. These relations of Daysha were popular as baby names 2 decades ago.
Similar Names
Daysha is alike in pronunciation to Dacia, Dasha, Dashay, Dashea, Datia, Deshay, Dosha and Duscha. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aayshah, Alysha▼, Aysha, Basha, Casha, Caysha, Daija▼, Daisee, Daisey, Daisi, Daisie, Daisy▼, Dajah▼, Dalisha, Danisha, Dasie, Dassah, Dasya, Davisha, Daya, Dayah, Dayana▲, Dayha, Dayla, Dayna▼, Daysi, Dessa, Deyse, Deysi, Dosia, Dosya, Dusa, Kasha, Kaylha, Maisha, Marsha▼, Masha, Maysa, Pasha, Saesha, Saisha, Sasha, Tahsha, Taisha, Tanysha and Tasha▼. These names tend to be more frequently used than Daysha.