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♀ Deena
What does Deena mean?
Deena ▼ as a girls' name is a Hebrew, Old English and Old German name, and Deena means "decoration; valley; church leader; spear ruler". Deena is a variant form of Adena (Hebrew). Deena is also a variant of Deanna (Old English): place name and occupational name. Deena is also used as a variant of Dena (Old English), and a variant of Geraldine (Old German).
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, spear (warrior), ruler (queen)
VARIANTS Dyna, Dinah▼, Dina▼, Deonna, Deona, Denni, Denna, Denia, Denah, Deeanna, Deeana, Deana▼, Dayana▲
OTHER FORMS VIA ADENA, DEANNA, DENA, GERALDINE Adene, Adina, Deane, Deann▼, Deanne▼, Deeann, Dene, Deneen▼, Denica, Deondra, Deonne
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Deeta, ..
(male) Deeda, ..
Deena Carolina (D.C.), ..
How popular is Deena?
Deena is a very prominent first name for women (#897 out of 4276, Top 21%) but an uncommon last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Deena entered the list in 1940-1949 and reached its peak position of #493 in the U.S. during the years 1960-1969, but is not ranked currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Deena are Dayana (#496 IN 2018), Dina (#1398), Deanna (#1491), Adina (#1648), Geraldine (#1719), Deann, Deanne, Deeann, Deane, Dena, Deneen, Denna, Deonna, Deana, Dinah and Deeanna. Other forms, like Denica, are uncommon. Usage of these relations of Deena was widespread among parents 9 decades ago (MEDIAN #1484) and is now significantly less (#1808, DOWN 87%), with versions such as Dinah falling out of fashion. Dayana is the most contemporarily stylish name for newborns in this list.
Similar Names
Deena▼ is pronounced similarly to Dagna, Danae▼, Danay, Dani▲, Danna, Danny, Denay, Deney, Deni, Denny, Dhanna, Diana▼, Dianna▼, Digna, Dinae, Dinay, Diona, Dionna, Dona▼, Donna▼, Donni, Duana, Duna, Dwana and Dwayna. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adeena, Ameena, Arena, Dea, Debra▼, Decia, Deeane, Deetra, Delena, Delma▼, Delta, Demia, Deon, Deren, Devana, Devina, Devona, Drea, Dreena, Drena, Drina, Dzana, Edeena, Eleena, Erena, Ferna, Geena, Jeana▼, Jeena, Jenna▼, Keena, Keona, Leena▲, Meena, Neena, Neina, Penna, Reena, Siena▲, Teena, Teona, Teyna, Veena, Veina, Vena▼, Verena, Xena, Yelena, Zeena and Zena. These names tend to be less frequently used than Deena.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]