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♀ Deianira
What does Deianira mean?
Deianira as a girls' name. Deianira means "devastating, capable of great destruction". Deianira is an alternate form of Deyanira (Spanish, Greek). Greco-Roman mythology: the wife of Hercules.
ASSOCIATED WITH great, destruction
VARIANTS Diyanira, Dayanira, Daianira
Deianira Brinley (D.B.), ..
How popular is Deianira?
Deianira is a rare first name for women. Deianira is a rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
The only popular variation form of Deianira (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 is Deyanira. Adoption of this relation of Deianira was common among parents 3 decades ago (#937), but now, Deyanira has become somewhat outmoded. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Deianira is alike in pronunciation to Danira, Deianeira and Dinora. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Daeira, Daira, Damara, Dania, Danica▼, Danika▼, Danila, Danita▼, Deadra, Deana▼, Deanda, Deandra▼, Deandrea, Deandria, Deanna▼, Deeana, Deeandra, Deeanna, Deidra▼, Deiondra, Deionna, Deirdra, Deitra, Dejana, Dejanira, Delaina, Delana, Delandra, Delanie, Delara, Delmira, Demanda, Demiana, Denia, Denica, Denisa, Denita, Deondra, Devana, Devanie, Devanna, Devondra, Diana▼, Dianda, Diandra, Diandre, Dianna▼, Diantha, Dinorah, Diondra, Dyandra, Elianora, Gianina, Jeanina, Jeeanima (see Gianina), Keandra, Keiana, Kiandra, Leandra▼, Leanora, Leiana, Leiandra, Levania, Lexandra, Melania▲, Melaniya, Netania, Tianara, Tiandra and Veranica. These names tend to be more commonly used than Deianira.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]