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♀ Deline
What does Deline mean?
Deline as a name for girls is of Old German derivation, and Deline means "noble". Deline is an alternate form of Adeline (Old German): French nickname of Adela.
RELATIONS VIA ADELINE Adaline▲, Adelina▲, Adelind, Adline, Aline▼, Dahlina, Dalina, Dallina, Delina, Dellina, Delly, Edelie
Deline Kaylyn (D.K.), ..
How popular is Deline?
Deline is an uncommon first name for women but a very popular surname for all people (#25356 out of 150436, Top 17%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Deline (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 are Adaline (#234 FROM RECENT DATA), Adelina (#543), Adeline (#78), Adline, Aline and Delina. Usage of these relations of Deline reached its peak in the year 2016 (ADOPTION OF 0.4%) and is almost as widespread today (ADOPTION 0.3%, 15% LESS), but with the version Aline becoming less fashionable. Adaline, Adelina and Adeline are three of the more contemporarily stylish names for newborns in this compilation. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Deline is alike in pronunciation to Daelyn, Dalene, Delaine, Delane, Delayne, Delene, Dellene, Delline, Delyn, Dylan▲ and Dylane. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aceline, Alline, Celie, Celina, Ciline, Dalena, Dalise, Davine, Deanne▼, Deeane, Delaina, Delainy, Delana, Delaney▲, Delanie, Delfin, Delfina, Delfine, Delia▼, Delie, Delinda, Delisa, Delise, Deliza, Delle, Dellise, Delma▼, Delmi, Delphine▼, Dene, Denice▼, Denise▼, Denize, Derrine, Devin▼, Devina, Diliana, Dulcine, Dulsine, Edeline, Eline, Erline, Felise, Feyline, Helaine, Helene▼, Jelina, Leoine, Melaine, Meline, Melise, Merline, Oline, Regine, Rejine, Roline, Selene▲, Selina, Selinde, Soline, Verine, Verline, Zelie and Zeline. These names tend to be more commonly used than Deline.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]