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♀ Delisa
What does Delisa mean?
Delisa as a name for girls is an American and Latin name, and Delisa means "pleasure, delight". Delisa is an alternate spelling of De- (American). Delisa is also a variant of Delicia (Latin).
ASSOCIATED WITH pleasure (joy)
VARIANTS Delyssa, Deliza, Delissa
OTHER FORMS VIA DE-, DELICIA Dalicia, Dalise, Dalisha, Dalisse, Dejana, Dela, Delana, Delara, Deleena, Delena, Delice, Delina, Delinda, Delis, Delise, Delisha, Deliz, Della▼, Dellis, Dellise, Deloise, Delyn, Delyse, Delysia, Demeisha, Deneisha, Denesha, Denisha▼, Denita
Delisa Kaelyn (D.K.), ..
How popular is Delisa?
Delisa is a somewhat popular first name for women (#2461 out of 4276, Top 58%) and an even more popular last name for all people (#35860 out of 150436, Top 24%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Delisa was first listed in 1960-1969 and reached its peak position of #992 in the U.S. in the 1960s, but is not ranked at the moment. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Della (#861 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Dela, Delana, Delena, Delicia, Delina, Delinda, Deloise, Denesha, Denisha and Denita are the popular variation forms of Delisa. Other variants, like Dalisha, are seldom used. Adoption of these forms of Delisa was at its highest 138 years ago (AVERAGE #1803) and has become much lower since, with versions such as Della falling out of fashion.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Alisa▼, Allisa, Anelisa, Belia, Belita, Celia▼, Dalila, Dalina, Daliya, Decia, Decima, Deelia, Deija, Delcina, Delfa, Delfina, Delia▼, Delie, Delila, Dellta (see Delta), Delmira, Delora, Delpha, Delta, Demia, Denica, Denisa, Denise▼, Denissa, Derica, Dessa, Dilys, Dorisa, Dorlisa, Dulcea, Dulsea, Dulsia, Dylis, Dyllis, Elisa▲, Felina, Felisa, Feliss, Felita, Feliza, Gelila, Genisa, Helia, Heloisa, Idelisa, Ilisa, Jalisa▼, Jolisa, Julisa▼, Kelila, Kelsa, Leisa▼, Melesa, Melia, Melina▲, Melise, Melisha, Melissa▼, Melita, Mellisa▼, Nelia, Nelida, Pelia, Pelipa, Renisa, Selina, Shelisa, Telisha, Zelima and Zelina. These names tend to be less frequently used than Delisa.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]