Home > Delle


What does Delle mean?

Delle Pronunciation of Delle as a girls' name is of Old German and German derivation, and the meaning of Delle is "noble kind". Delle is an alternate form of Adelaide (Old German): from adal heid. Delle is also a form of Della (German).


ASSOCIATED WITH noble, kind (gracious)



OTHER FORMS VIA ADELAIDE, DELLA Adele, Adell, Adella, Adelle, Dellene, Delli, Delline, Delly, Elke

(female) Delce, ..

(male) Delde, ..

Delle Jayden (D.J.), ..

How popular is Delle?

Delle is a rare given name for females but a very popular last name for all people (#73154 out of 150436, Top 49%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Popular variation forms of Delle (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Adelaide (#298 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Adele (#898), Adell, Adella, Adelle, Dell and Della (#861). Other forms, like Elke, are uncommon. These forms of Delle were popular a century ago (ADOPTION OF 0.5%) and are now significantly less common (ADOPTION 0.1%, 81%), with versions like Adele becoming less fashionable. Adelaide is the most fashionable girl name in this list. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Adelaide, Adele, Adell, Adella, Adelle in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Dell, Della in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Delle and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Delle is pronounced similarly to Dael, Dahl, Dail, Daile, Dale, Dayle, Dielle and Doll. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alle, Arelle, Axelle, Belle, Chelle, Dalla, Dalles, Danelle, Deane, Debee, Dede, Dedie, Dela, Delfa, Delia, Delice, Delie, Deline, Delis, Delise, Dellis, Dellise, Delma, Delmi, Delta, Delya, Delyn, Delyne, Demee, Demie, Denae, Denelle, Deyse, Diella, Dilla, Dilli, Dollee (see Dolly), Dolley, Dolli, Dollie, Dolly, Dorelle, Dulce, Gaelle, Halle, Helle, Hille, Holle, Jerle, Luelle, Mille, Neale, Neile, Neille, Nelle, Noelle, Odelle, Pealle, Peele, Perle, Shelle, Stelle, Tealle, Teille, Udelle, Zele and Zoelle. These names tend to be more commonly used than Delle.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
