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♀ Delma
What does Delma mean?
Delma ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced DEL-mah. It is of German origin, and the meaning of Delma is "noble, famous". Short form of Adelma. May also be an Irish short form of Fidelma.
VARIANTS Delmi, Delmira, Delmy
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Delda, ..
(male) Delda, ..
Delma Yamilet (D.Y.), ..
How popular is Delma?
Delma is a very popular first name for females (#1071 out of 4276, Top 25%) and a slightly less popular last name for both adults and children (#102173 out of 150436, Top 68%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Delma reached its highest position of #531 in the U.S. during 1910-1919, but is not in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Delma▼ is pronounced similarly to Dalma. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Allma, Alma▼, Dalia, Dalla, Dama, Deana▼, Debra▼, Dedra, Deelia, Deena▼, Deija, Deja▼, Deka, Dela, Delana, Delena, Delfa, Delia▼, Delie, Delila, Delina, Delis, Delisa, Deliz, Deliza, Dell, Della▼, Delle, Delli, Delly, Delora, Delpha, Delta, Delya, Delyn, Demi▲, Demia, Dena▼, Denia, Denna, Deona, Deora, Desma, Desme, Dessa, Detta, Deva, Devra, Diella, Dilla, Dola, Dorma, Gemma▲, Halma, Helma, Herma, Hilma▼, Jemma▲, Neema, Neoma, Palma, Peloma, Salma▲, Selima, Sellma, Selma▼, Talma, Telma, Vellma, Velma▼, Wilma▼, Zelima, Zelma▼ and Zulma. These names tend to be less commonly used than Delma.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]