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♀ Delora
What does Delora mean?
Delora as a girls' name has its root in Spanish, and the name Delora means "sorrows". Delora is an alternate form of Delores (Spanish, Latin): form of Dolores.
RELATIONS VIA DELORES, DOLORES Dalores, Deloris▼, Dolorita
Delora Briella (D.B.), ..
How popular is Delora?
Delora is a very popular first name for females (#2084 out of 4276, Top 49%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#70473 out of 150436, Top 47%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Delora reached its highest position of #1065 in the U.S. during 1930-1939, but is not found in the list at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Delores, Deloris and Dolores are the prominent variation forms of Delora appearing in the Top 2000. These forms of Delora were popular during the years 1930-1939 (MEDIAN #336).
Similar Names
Delora is alike in pronunciation to Delara and Delaree. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Belona, Clora, Deadra, Debbra▼, Debera, Debor, Debora▼, Deborah▼, Debra▼, Dedra, Deedra, Deetra, Deidra▼, Deitra, Dela, Delana, Delena, Delfa, Delia▼, Delila, Delina, Delisa, Deliza, Della▼, Dellta (see Delta), Delma▼, Delmira, Delpha, Delta, Delya, Demona, Deona, Deora, Derora, Devona, Devora, Devorah, Devra, Dextra, Dinora, Dora▼, Drora, Elora▲, Fedora, Flora▼, Glora, Leeora, Lenora▼, Leora▼, Medora, Meliora, Melosa, Menora, Nehora, Peloma, Talora, Temora, Tesora, Valora and Velora. These names tend to be less frequently used than Delora.