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♀ Delphine
What does Delphine mean?
Delphine ▼ as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Delphine is "dolphin". French form of a name which refers to the Greek town of Delphi, home of a famous oracle. The Greeks believed that Delphi was the earth's womb; the dolphin's shapre resembles that of a pregnant woman. Also a flower name: the larkspur flower, whose center resembles a dolphin, is also known as delphinium. French actress Delphine Seyrig. Also form of Delfina.
VARIANTS Delfa, Delfin, Delfine, Delfyne, Delpha, Delphina, Delphinea, Delphinia
Delphine Remington (D.R.), ..
How popular is Delphine?
Delphine is a very popular first name for females (#1105 out of 4276, Top 26%) but a rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Delphine reached its peak position of #478 in the U.S. in the 1920s, but is not ranked at the moment. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Delfina and Delpha are the popular related forms of Delphine. Adoption of these relations of Delphine was common in the 1920s, but now, the version Delphine has become somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Celine▲, Daline, Daphne▲, Delaina, Delaine, Delainey, Delainy, Delane, Delanie, Delayne, Delcina, Delcine, Delene, Delice, Delie, Delina, Deline, Delise, Dellene, Dellina, Delline, Dellise, Deloise, Delphi, Delphia▼, Delsine (see Dulce), Delyne, Derine, Derrine, Destine, Dulcine, Dulsine, Felmine, Helaine, Kelpie, Melaine, Meline, Melusine, Melvine, Ralphina, Ralphine, Seline, Seraphine, Serophine, Stephine, Teophile and Zeline. These names tend to be less commonly used than Delphine.