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♀ Denesha
What does Denesha mean?
Denesha as a name for girls is an American name. Denesha is an alternate form of De- (American).
OTHER FORMS VIA DE- Deleena, Delena, Delisa, Demeisha, Denell, Denita, Deshay
Denesha Bethany (D.B.), ..
How popular is Denesha?
Denesha is an unusual given name for women but a somewhat prominent surname for all people (#80216 out of 150436, Top 53%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Denesha entered the list in 1994 and reached its peak position of #1760 in the U.S. then, but is not listed currently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Delena, Delisa, Denisha and Denita are the prominent variation forms of Denesha appearing in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Deneisha, are uncommon. Usage of these relations of Denesha was well-received among parents in the year 1994 (AVERAGE #1690), but now, the version Denisha has become less fashionable.
Similar Names
Denesha is pronounced similarly to Daniesha, Danisha, Deneisha, Denisha▼, Dinisha and Donisha. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aeesha, Dameshia, Danessa, Delisha, Demeisha, Deneigh, Denese, Denica, Denisa, Denise▼, Denissa, Denisse, Denys, Denyse, Deonisia, Deonysia, Ernesha, Genesia, Genessa, Ieesha, Jenessa, Kanesha▼, Keesha, Kenisha▼, Kennesha, Lanesha, Leesha, Menemsha, Neesha, Reneisha, Renisha, Tanesha▼, Teneesha, Tenesha, Tenisha, Vanesha, Venesa, Venesha, Venessa▼, Venisha, Vinesha and Yeesha. These names tend to be more commonly used than Denesha.