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♀ Dhanielle
What does Dhanielle mean?
Dhanielle as a girls' name. The meaning of the name Dhanielle is "God is my Judge". Dhanielle is an alternate spelling of Danielle (Hebrew, French): feminine variant spelling of Daniel.
ENDS WITH -ielle
ASSOCIATED WITH judge (righteous)
VARIANTS Danyelle▼, Danyell, Dannielle, Daniele, Danelle▼, Danele, Daanelle
OTHER FORMS VIA DANIELLE Danella, Danelley, Daniela, Daniella▲, Danniella, Danyella
Dhanielle Helena (D.H.), ..
How popular is Dhanielle?
Dhanielle is a rare first name for women. Dhanielle is a rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Dhanielle (NOT RANKED) are Danelle, Daniela (#195 VIA LATEST LIST), Daniele, Daniella (#370), Danielle (#382), Dannielle, Danyell and Danyelle. Other variants, like Danniella, are seldom used. These forms of Dhanielle reached the peak of their popularity in the year 1992 (AVERAGE #1006) and are now much less widespread (#1368, DOWN 78%), with forms like Danielle becoming less trendy. Danielle is more ubiquitous than the rest, though Daniella has become trendy as well over time. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Dhanielle is alike in pronunciation to Danell, Danille, Dannell, Dannelle, Dawnelle, Dawnielle, Dawnyelle, Denelle, Dinelle, Donelle, Donielle and Donnelle. Other recommended sound-alike names are Brandelle, Candelle, Chandelle, Chanele, Chanelle▼, Channelle, Chantalle, Chantele, Chantell, Chantella, Chantelle▼, Chantielle, Chantille, Chantrelle, Charelle, Chauntelle, Chawntelle (see Chantal), Chenelle, Danila, Dannalee (see Danna), Darcelle, Darelle, Dariele (see Daria), Darielle, Darille, Darnelle, Darrelle, Dielle, Doneille, Donell, Donella, Donnell, Donnella, Emanuelle, Janelle, Janiella, Jannelle, Jeanelle, Jeannelle, Karielle, Marielle, Nanelle, Nathanielle, Randelle, Ranelle, Ranielle, Rhondelle, Shandell, Shanell▼, Shanella, Shanelly, Shaniece▼, Shanilly, Shannell, Shannelle, Shantalle, Shantell, Shantella, Shawndelle, Shenelle, Shonelle, Shontelle and Shynelle. These names tend to be more commonly used than Dhanielle.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]