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♀ Dina
What does Dina mean?
Dina ▼ as a name for girls is a Hebrew, Old English and Old German name, and the meaning of Dina is "decoration; valley; justified; spear ruler". Dina is a variant form of Adena (Hebrew). Dina is also a variant of Dena (Old English): variation of Deana and Dina. Dina is also used as a form of Dinah (Hebrew), and a form of Geraldine (Old German).
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, spear (warrior), ruler (queen)
VARIANTS Dynah, Dyna, Denni, Denna, Denia, Denah, Deena▼, Deanna▼, Deana▼
RELATED FORMS VIA ADENA, DENA, DINAH, GERALDINE Adina, Adinah, Deane, Dene, Denica, Dinora, Dinorah
Dina Bellarose (D.B.), ..
How popular is Dina?
Dina is a very popular first name for females (#583 out of 4276, Top 14%) and also a very popular last name for both adults and children (#25374 out of 150436, Top 17%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Dina reached its apex position of #282 in the U.S. during 1960-1969, and is at #1398 presently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Dina (#1398 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) rated in the Top 2000 are Adina (#1648), Deana, Deane, Deanna (#1491), Deena, Dena, Denna, Dinah and Geraldine (#1719). Other variants, like Dynah, are seldom used. These relations of Dina reached the top of their popularity in the 1930s (ADOPTION OF 0.5%) and have become much less widespread since, with forms like Dena becoming less in vogue.
Similar Names
Dina▼ is alike in pronunciation to Daena, Dagna, Dahna, Dahnya, Daina, Dana▼, Danae▼, Danay, Danee, Danie, Danny, Dawna▼, Dayna▼, Deeana, Deenya, Denny, Deonna, Digna, Dinya, Diona, Donia, Donya, Duayna, Duna and Dwana. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aina, Bina, Dama, Dane, Dian▼, Diane▼, Diann▼, Dila, Dion, Dione, Dita, Diza, Drina, Fina, Gina▼, Jina, Kina, Lina, Mina, Nina▼, Rina, Sina, Tina▼, Vina▼, Wina and Zina▼. These names tend to be less commonly used than Dina.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]